Hey, I passed a parenting milestone today!
...dealing with an epic bout of toddler puking at the gas station all over her carseat, dress, jacket and Plex's head. So, instead of church, we ran to the gas station bathroom (Matilda sobbing all the way, mostly in a puke panic -- this was her first time -- but also because she was worried about Plex), then Target when the diaper bag gave up a clean pair of pants but only a small thin top and no socks, then Papou's house to strip the car seat down to its bones, wash everything fabricky, and Clorox/Febreze the living hell out of everything else.
While we were at it, the rest of the car got a good going over as well, so it's now about as ready to be sold to some hapless moron lucky Craigslister as it'll ever be.
Matilda seemed fine once she got over the shock of throwing up and once I'd caved and replaced her thin little shirt with the ass-ugly hoodie with which she'd inexplicably fallen in love. The two casualties were her naptime (in all the excitement, she didn't let herself conk out until we were in the car on the way home at 3) and Plex's face, which it turns out cannot go through even a gentle wash cycle. I fixed him with a Sharpie, though, and she seemed satisfied.
Is it too early to pour myself a drink? Or should I try to unwind by going back to re-read today's grammar loveliness, savoring all the spicy brains on display until it's 5 o'clock proper?