Shir, I wish there was something I could do. Be careful.
I've had a bracing day so far. I awoke to a power outage and the realization that I have no idea how to turn the annoying beeping of UPS. Then I got a call from the wonderful good Samaritan who found my wallet, which I didn't yet know was missing. Apparently it fell out of my purse as I was getting into my car leaving the restaurant last night. I met her and retrieved my wallet, which was missing the cash and, oddly, my ATM card, while still containing all my credit cards and my driver's license. I called the bank about my ATM card, but I imagine the rest will be okay. I just can't remember if I tucked a check in my wallet. Also, of course, I have no cash. Tomorrow I'm going to have to cash a check. How quaint.
Um, aren't there editors to pick up on that?
There are a lot less editors than there used to be. Certainly in book publishing many books barely get a pass through a copy editor. And there's much less editorial oversight in newspapers than there used to be.
And there's much less editorial oversight in newspapers than there used to be.
Hmm. Begs the question. As the internet is the information highway, speeding knowledge around. Will it also speed the demise of proper grammar? As we race to the bottom in so many ways in our society, will spelling and punctuation be something folks say in 50 years "Oh, I remember those things. Crazy. Why'd they use them?" or would it look like "o ize membr dem tings. CrAzY! Yd day uz dem?"
ION, today is still bright and sunny outside, yet 30º colder. So glad I went out yesterday to enjoy the great outdoors!
o ize membr dem tings. CrAzY! Yd day uz dem?
And now I'm flashing back to Tep's lesson on the politics of sub/dom grammar or lack thereof.
typos. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever use an apostrophe for a plural. Ever. Just don't. (Actually, there are a very few exceptions for things like abbreviations and lower-case letters, but that's according to certain style manuals only -- if you have trouble remembering things like this, screw the exceptions and just remember not to use apostrophes for plurals.)
typo's is correct for possession (Typo's last post on green energy gave me a lot to chew on) or contractions (that typo's making my head hurt). A plural is not a contraction. It just isn't. You're not removing "graphical error", you're pluralizing the word "typo".
Alles klar?
o ize membr dem tings. CrAzY! Yd day uz dem?
Only if LOLcats develop opposable thumbs.
Alles klar
no. It's those bloody exceptions that kill the brain. Ahhhhhhrrrggghhhh.
At least, my lovely Buffistas, you can feel some victory on the Education of Omnis Audis, that I am using multiple commas when giving a list. Even after for the last one, prior to the 'and'. Probably still doing it wrong, but eh.
Only if LOLcats develop opposable thumbs.
clearly you do not text message with folks. Its creeping into instant messaging too! And if it bugs me? Who, as we can see, is not very grammar/spelling proficient! Then it has to be bad.
I text all the time. And if someone sent me that, they would be stricken from my contacts list on account of making my eyes leap out of my head to save themselves from further torment.
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever use an apostrophe for a plural
I'm so very ashamed to acknowledge that I didn't know that.
Ahm. I'm not very fond with keeping diaries, let alone let people read them. "People" as in other people. And I know I can keep stuff private in there, but the things I've got to say? I say them where I feel like they belong and can create a dialog. And I prefer the conversation effect that forums have much more than the post/comments, which doesn't give much space to real conversations happening. So when I feel like there's not much to say about something I type, I don't know if there's much of a point in typing it.
And again. With all of my words typed in here - and yes, while keeping in the very back of my mind that there are lurkers, and yet - I'm still a very private person. So either you know me and my opinions and fuzzy fluffy feelings, or not, depends if you're hanging out where I do on the web.
I'm just trying to keep some sort of balance here.
you say there aren't many folks locally you can talk with
Umm, sorry if I wrote something that sounded like that - what I meant is that I talk with local others in different way than I talk with you guys. And in some scale, it helps me to see more (even if the whole situation still doesn't make much sense). Seeing that I'm not too naive for caring as much as I do, as an example. Most of us in Israel lost some sensitivity to human lives and their value, especially to Others human lives. And sorry, I still see this wrong. And it's still very hard for me to accept that my life should be lived on the account of another human being's well being. Now, if that other human being wants to kill me without having the chance to sit down and talk first, that's one thing. But somehow? 23+ years of living here, being fed from Big Brother media? I still don't buy it. Not all Arabs are killers, or terrorists. I even think that most of them don't really want to do me any wrong in person, as long as I let them live their lives.
Here, this sounds like a very, very, very naive approach. Am I that wrong?
I don't really think so.
but I'm not known for hard-core policy pronouncements.