Pix, take care over there, ya hear?
Someone pat my hand and tell me I can do this. I signed up for a paid subscription on match.com. Eep!
Sail, I did it as well. Um. I hope you have far more luck than I. I'm on the free 6 months period now. :: sigh :: I suck at picking up women, in person or online
t mope
oops, forgot the end tag...
Please. Do. Not. Open. A. Second. Front. (At least until Thursday, after my dentist appointment in Haifa).
LOL! You crack me up Shir. Nice to see you have a little humor in all this madness.
This is impossible; And yet, this is happening. Seems like the more I grow up in here, the less I agree with the concept of fighting.
:: invites you to America, where there is tons of space to avoid violence. Mostly successful too ::
OK, I really should get outside and enjoy this beautiful day and stretch the legs.
I read somewhere that gay rights groups were pressuring Match.com to open up membership for same-sex dating. Does this mean they're not bi-friendly?
I'm on a Jewish dating site that uses "matchmakers" -- you set up your profile, and then they have people who look at all the profiles and set up people that they think would be good together. I'd thought it might be less stressful than having to go through all the profiles and pick for myself, but so far, I've been set up in about 40 matches, I've rejected about 5, and the rest have rejected me. There aren't very many people on the site in my area, though -- most of the people I was getting paired with were in NY.
I'm thinking I don't need a tetanus booster. I'll get one next time I go to the doctor, but the blade had been washed in the dishwasher and was just sitting in a drawer. It wasn't rusty or dirty at all, and the cut was deep, but not deep enough to need a stitch.
How is it feeling today, Kristin? The "good thing" about a knife cut is that it is usually neat enough to heal quickly.
And because it deserves its own post, Shir, I wish I could say something remotely comforting. The situation is just awful.
ouch Kristin! I think someone did say upthread that their doc thinks tetanus shots are overused and he rarely gives them to adults so I bet you'll be fine. Just keep an eye on it for swelling or
opaque seepage
. yum.
Laura, it's a bit sore and is going to make grading a bit tricky today, but it isn't too bad. It looks like it's healing relatively cleanly.
I think it was Kristin that said the Fit was lotsa fun.
It is! Cutesy and makes you want to smack it at times, but the best way to trick me into exercising I've ever found.
Just think how impressed your students will be when you return their papers to them marked in blood.
I have a Fit, but I haven't set it up yet. I'm going to do that sometime this coming week.