Is the WII Fit fun?
Man, I'm feeling lousy. First of all, I feel like I've got salt coming out of all my pores. And it's not like I've indulged in say, potato chips, in several days - since the beginning of the week. And I didn't sleep well. And for the past couple of days I've had a weird soreness in the back of my head that I can't explain.
I think it was Kristin that said the Fit was lotsa fun. I may look into that too. Stupid internet kept buffering the episode I was watching so it took 57 minutes to watch a 43 minute show! The internets are conspiring to keep me on the treadmill longer.
Ick sumi, maybe try and drink more water. Dehydration can make you feel like crap.
Yes, it's pretty fun. Even my little cousins enjoy it: [link]
My sister has a Wii (and was playing guitar hero this morning, very very quietly, until I got up, 12 hours after I went to bed). She keeps trying to get the Fit part, but says she can't find it anywhere.
Now I am up, and we will probably eventually make it out for some shopping...
It does sound like dehydration, sumi. How soon can you see a doctor? Call in with symptoms? The headache-soreness thing is worrisome, and worth at least a call, I'd think.
Meantime, hydrate!
Continued good vibes for Shir and Nora, and quick-healing to Kristin. Hooray for family acceptance! And Laura, you are my role model. If my Christmas treadmill ever gets to be functional.
It's made it from the covered porch into the house, but now a grounded three-pronged socket needs be installed. Ah, the joys of living in an old house with inadequate wiring and plumbing. We'd really hoped to sell and move before the full copper pipe redo, the new roof, and full rewiring became necessary. Now? NSM.
Sumi, if you have some Gatorade or Powerade drink that and eat some bananas. In addition to drinking fluids. The bananas will help your potasium levels.
Back in Jerusalem, without any sirens on the way.
In the meantime, Israel entered with ground forces into the Strip. High alert everywhere. And on that note, I'd like to turn to Mr. Nasrallah directly:
Please. Do. Not. Open. A. Second. Front. (At least until Thursday, after my dentist appointment in Haifa).
Sorry, it isn't in my best interest to get you off of the computer.
I love our honesty.
Ack, Kristin! Heal up, woman.
Shir, I thought of you today when I read this:
"Israel launches what it says will be a "lengthy" ground operation in a widening war on Hamas"
I hope that turns out to not be true.
Laga, I'm afraid it seems true from here.
Did I mention already how useless all this killing is lately? No? Because I'm strongly against it.
And I have the feeling that tomorrow I'll be calling friends to figure out who was drafted.
Fucking government.