I also hear "yea" pronounced as "yay" in a kind of Olde Timey Englishe accent.
I do, too, unless contextually it's clear that it's a colloquialism for "yes."
It would never in a million years occur to me that "he" was a laugh unless it were a string of them like hehehehehe.
When they're strung together, it still drives me nuts. And -- follow THIS (il)logic -- even though "he" is pronounced with a long "E," when they're strung together to indicate amusement, I hear them with a short "E." The reason why? Because to me, "hee" is the only "right" spelling, and so "he" is missing one "E" and therefore is a short "E" sound -- but ONLY in that instance.
I reiterate: FREAK, I AM.
Oh- I didn't know I was a freak because I hear
in my head as
heh heh heh heh heh, like Beavis and Butthead, and I never realized that that wasn't what people intended.
I reiterate: FREAK, I AM.
And the rest of us are what? Chopped liver?
heh heh heh heh heh, like Beavis and Butthead, and I never realized that that wasn't what people intended.
That is what I would hear too.
I hear
in my head as
heh heh heh heh heh, like Beavis and Butthead,
That! That's how I hear it!
and I never realized that that wasn't what people intended.
They might, but I don't think so. Because "he" is pronounced with a long E, I started to think they mean it as "hee hee hee hee hee."
Seriously, I don't understand why The Boy hasn't dumped me. I subject him to tirades like this (aka, Someone Is Wrong On The Internet) all the time.
Seriously, I don't understand why The Boy hasn't dumped me. I subject him to tirades like this (aka, Someone Is Wrong On The Internet) all the time.
He may not be listening. I have perfected the "Yes, dear, I really understand" nod-and-mumble while thinking of other things for use when Hubby goes off on one.
I reiterate: FREAK, I AM.
And the rest of us are what? Chopped liver?
I assumed that my obsessiveness about the issue as well as the rage it inspires put me in a freak class all by myself. Seriously. Rage.
I think you are right Steph, and it has just taken me this long to figure out! Of course, I have pretty much only hung out here, on LJ, and a little on TWOP until very recently, so my forays into other people are fairly new.
so my forays into other people are fairly new.
Oh god, mailing lists for local events are Dante's seventh ring o' hell. Add in the FUCKED UP habit of many BDSM folk to capitalize everything referring to a dominant and lower-case everything referring to a submissive AND if they're addressing a mixed group they use BOTH upper- and lower-case IN THE SAME WORD, and I have rage blackouts.
It would look something like this:
Hello A/all,
my name is master's pet. my Master is Sir Kicksyourass. W/we are looking forward to meeting Y/you A/all at the next event lol. i hope W/we make many new friends, if i am not too naughty hehehehe. See Y/you soon! smiles
And the sound that's so high-pitched only dogs can hear it? That would be me, keening in agony.
t edit
I don't think Sir Kicksyourass is a real name, although it wouldn't surprise me. The Boy doesn't like it when I make fun of scene names, so I can't mock them to him. But, seriously, when you introduce yourself to me as Gunga Din (true story), all I can do is laugh. (That didn't end well. True story.) Also? If your name is Sir Top (a real scene name), you REALLY need a goddamn thesaurus.
I'm surprised they don't spell it
(Spoilerfonted to keep from bringing down the whole internet. Please to be careful and only highlight a letter at a time.)