Did you know there's a huge volcano under yellowstone that could erupt with less than one week's notice ending life in North America as we know it?
Yup. And Hubby and I are within fairly-instantaneous vaporization range. Hubby likes to sing the Jimmy Buffet song "I don't know where I'm gonna go when the volcano blow" when stories about it come on the TV.
Did you know there's a huge volcano under yellowstone that could erupt with less than one week's notice ending life in North America as we know it?
A woman I work with is pretty much convinced we are all going to die. She visits the most alarmist blogs. From what I have seen it has been real active, but not quite to the imminent death and destruction point. Maybe we should consider doing the stuff on that list though. Was it the bucket list?
According to The Straight Dope, Yellowstone is not the most worrisome volcano in the world but it's always a good idea to work on that bucket list. You never know when you'll get hit by a random deadly event.
I swear, its a conspiracy.
Humm. Entertaining omnis.
Let's see.
Tough one, I know.
Well, I'm just about to bake banana muffins and continue reading about 17th century Europe. I guess my more entertaining self could always do that naked.
Well, I'm just about to bake banana muffins and continue reading about 17th century Europe. I guess my more entertaining self could always do that naked.
I'll lay money omnis just fainted.
Ugh. I'm putting together a spreadsheet with web stats for a coworker. It's giving me a serious hate-on for Excel.
I contemplated messing with a spreadsheet today to make it do what it's supposed to do instead of the thing it is doing. If I fix it, it saves me maybe 90 seconds of work each week. I decide it wasn't worth the hassle to save 6 minutes a month.
Well, I'm just about to bake banana muffins
Mmm I like me some muffins
and continue reading about 17th century Europe
Oo! I love history!
I guess my more entertaining self could always do that naked.
Ooo! More muffins!
I'll lay money omnis just fainted.
Ha! I'm flattered you think there is that much blood flow that needs shifting. Woozy yes, but not full on faint.
:: tries to figure out where in B.org is the video links ::
Um, ya. video not working. Shir, can you send pictures?
So my boss showed up at noon. Sick. Why? Just stay at home! I'm thinking I might be able to slip out in an hour or two. There are some supplies I need to buy for work. I can use that as an excuse to get out of the office. Especially if he's going to be spreading ick germs everywhere.
But when I first saw Shapely Prose, I hated it as much as I hated myself, so avoided it for about a month.
I ... can't read Shapely Prose. I love the idea of it, and I absolutely agree with everything they're saying. YES, accept who you are, be the healthiest person you can, and don't kill yourself to try and reach some societal standard that hardly anyone can maintain! But I can't read it. Because even though I agree with what they're saying, reading the posts about
"diets don't really work, and most people gain back what they lose"
facts upsets me. And makes me feel like I shouldn't try to maintain the weight I'm at, because it won't work, and I'm a big moron for trying.
Totally my messed-up issues, and I know that. I also know that I've stayed at the weight I am over the past few months of, erm, not-very-mindful eating and sloth, so I really should ignore the mutterings of the Body Image Demons. But it's hard, and sometimes reading Shapely Prose makes it harder.
t /me me me