Prop 8 is really making me want to bitch slap a large portion of the populace.
For reals. We both knew we were not going to change each other's minds, so we calmly stepped away from the conversation, which was good for my blood pressure. I foolishly thought I might have been able to convince him to vote No; I told him he could have all the moral oppositions he wanted, but there was no reason to make it a legal issue.
So a friend of mine has a chronic health condition, which makes it hard for her to commute long distances and work a lot. On a whim, she applied for a video post-production internship because the place was ten minutes from her house and she wanted to explore the career. It was a very small company (seven people), and the head of the company was only four years older than she was.
She did not get the internship. She's way underqualified, and they're looking for more experienced candidates.
He's going to let her come in a few hours each day (however much she can do, whenever she can do it) to learn the basics until she gets enough experience to do real work for them.
When she was all WTF WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS FOR ME?? he responded, "You know, there
still some decent people in the world. I hope to be one of them."
World is watching, part 2. -- Le Monde (France) headline -- Massive Participation Announced in United States. Again, above the "fold"
that is a great story, P-C.
We've only had 20 guests so far today but I swear I've counted 10 "I Voted" stickers. I hope there's some left when I get to my polling place. They ran out last time.
I never seem to get a sticker, since I usually vote on my way home from work (I am NOT a morning person; deciding on what size coffee to get is about as big a decision as I can reliably make), but it's never bothered me much. But I'm just so happy to see people getting involved, getting excited about this election - for so long it's been choosing the lesser of two evils or between someone who's OK and someone who's actively bad. I can remember when people thought elections mattered, when we felt that voting would actually accomplish something. And, just for amusement's sake, a friend of mine, currently unemployed after getting her MPA from the Kennedy School, is working on the Obama campaign ... they sent her out of town and she had trouble finding time to actually go vote herself.
for so long it's been choosing the lesser of two evils
Some people believe the same holds for this election.
Otherwise the wrong lizard might get in.
Another heartwarming story--
Keep it up and I'm going to be weeping at my desk! Seriously, I cried the last 2 elections and it looks like I will this time too, but for such a different reason.
Alrighty, my Dark Roasted Coffee of Freedom and I am off to defend the Democratic process from robocalls, purged rolls, delayed mail, and confusing street signs.
Wish us luck. And call us at 1-866-OUR-VOTE if anyone tries to fuck with you.
::swoops away with Super Porny Pants::
I managed to get lost trying to find my polling place, but I didn't give up, and I did eventually find it. So, I have voted! But I didn't manage to get the inspection done.
I am voted!! My god, I think this might actually work; before I voted, I got into see my doctor BY CALLING AND GETTING AN APPOINTMENT FOR AN HOUR AFTER I CALLED.
That is some freaky shit. And I wasn't all "ARGH! Blood..orifices...death...!" It was "Gee, I would like to come in ASAP to get my AD refilled."
Keep the heartwarming stories coming. I am SMILING today, and HAPPY and full of HOPE and GOODWILL and othe scary shit.
It's made of awesome! (Even though I live in the swingiest state of all.)