I'm assuming this is tongue-in-cheek [link] :
Obama Costs Nader the Election
Election results are in and they clearly indicate that Democrat Barack Obama has cost Peace and Freedom’s candidate, Ralph Nader, the presidency. Simple math proves that had Obama not run, and had all of his support gone to Nader, that Nader would have easily won the majority of Electoral College votes and, therefore, the presidency.
That goes same for me! If Obama hadn't run and *I* had and *I* had all of Obama's support, I would have easily won the majority of Electoral College votes and, therefore, the presidency.
So close!
Hot tea with creamer - vw, I'm glad you're glad for this diagnosis, and that there's now some light at the end of the tunnel for you on this. One of the Aunts has sleep apnea and she was so relieved when she was diagnosed.
Need a word or phrase for someone out of their element
Odd man out?
Stranger in a strange land?
Fresh off the boat?
Not his bailiwick?
Mmmmmm hot tea. excuse me.....
There's Woody Allen's "Did you ever get the feeling that the world is a tuxedo and you're a pair of brown shoes?"
Today's allergy inducer (I'm gonna get a reputation!)
A Butler Well Served by This Election
For more than three decades Eugene Allen worked in the White House, a black man unknown to the headlines. During some of those years, harsh segregation laws lay upon the land.
He trekked home every night, his wife, Helene, keeping him out of her kitchen.
At the White House, he worked closer to the dirty dishes than to the large desk in the Oval Office. Helene didn't care; she just beamed with pride.
President Truman called him Gene.
President Ford liked to talk golf with him.
He saw eight presidential administrations come and go, often working six days a week. "I never missed a day of work," Allen says.
His is a story from the back pages of history. A figure in the tiniest of print. The man in the kitchen. Cont.