Our company had lay-offs this morning.
I had to come in at 8 to break the news to half of my awesome team. Saying goodbye to two people whom I've come to adore and who worked their asses off for this company's success. Merry fucking Christmas. It's just me and Ricardo left in my department. 20% cut across the company.
It's been a really shitty day.
We had another stupid staff meeting today, so I had to be to work at 9am on my day off.
Y'all are talking about not knowing how to teach math students things, and some just. Do. Not. Get. It. The house manager at my main location... she just does not get the concept that how we react to the residents' behaviors can either reinforce those behaviors or lead to extinguishing them. I have had several conversations with her over the months, explaining this. I have done my best to model for her how to react professionally, keeping the emotional charge out of it. She cannot or will not do it. And today when the topic of how certain residents' have episodes of incontinence that are more behaviorally motivated than they are actual "accidents" came up, and I pointed out that was why it is so important not to freak out on them and lecture and rant and rave, because that is the reward that person is looking for - bosslady came back with, "Well, I do not agree that we should just ignore this type of behavior."
It was clearly pointed at me.
From now on, while she is in the middle of ranting and raving at someone for nose picking, I will never again bother to quietly hand the individual a kleenex and calmly prompt to wash hands. ETA: And she can clean up all the other messes from the first issue.
Javachik, how rotten for you, and how awful for them.
Ouch, javachik. I'm so sorry for the loss of your work family.
-ma for Daisy Jane.
I saw a deer/car accident on the way home tonight. Deer was alive but having some problems, couldn't tell what kind. I hope it'll be ok or at least won't suffer pain for too long.
Hil- I guess I have actually the opposite issue. Basically in pattern making you are taking something that has volume, and making it flat. So, if you have a cone, what does the pattern look like if you were to cut the cone out of a pice of paper and then fold it into the cone. But with more complicated shapes. If you are in mass market, production pattern making, you basically deal with volumes that are created for you, but theatrical pattern is custom, so every person's unique measurements change the volume.
Also, Windsparrow, that sucks.
Cashmere, I'm really glad for the good news from your MiL. What a relief for your whole family.
I remember reading an analysis of some of those studies that showed that boys test better on spacial skills than girls do. It was a pretty small sample size, but they tried giving the same test to Amish kids, and the boys and girls scored about the same. One theory was that Amish girls start sewing, and thus piecing patterns together, from a really young age, and so they learn how to do things like rotate shapes in their heads and figure out what something will look like when it's folded or unfolded. (I had a few issues with this analysis -- I think they needed way more data before a theory like that could be anything more than speculation -- but it was interesting.)
Wait ... someone in your line of work doesn't know the value of the non-reaction? I mean, there is a whole range of behaviors that fit in non-reaction that are very effective. Heck, at my old library I was one of the few that didn't get sworn at when I kicked kids out of the library. Because I wasn't mean or loud. If anything, I was cheerful as I told the kids goodbye and that I would see them tomorrow. Sorry the house manager won't learn.
{{javachik}}not fair
Wow. I've been reading about Sandra Samuel, the nanny who saved the toddler son of the rabbi and rebbetzin who were murdered at the Chabad House in Mumbai. [link] While the gunmen were still in the house and had already killed several people, and she was downstairs, she ran upstairs to get the baby before leaving. When she found him, he was crying over the bodies of his parents, and soaked in their blood.
vw, please tell me that awful woman had the decency to look sheepish or embarrassed.