Aw Hil, I'm wanting to say YAY for great eval day, but then you post about your dissertation blues, and saying YAY seems kinda strange.
Am home from Book Club. Apparently these things are more social than book talk. Which is totally cool, just not what I expected. And it appears waking up at 8am EST for a week has got me tired by 9PM CST. Not fair! I'm a night person damn it!
Aww, thanks, omnis.
I've somehow managed to get back onto a normal sleep schedule. Well, not quite normal, but close enough that I'm awake at the times I'm supposed to be awake.
Am I the only insomniac tonight? My brain will not leave me alone.
Why do some people feel the need to share and ask for advice in a situation where there is NO right answer? And any given advice will end up biting me in the ass?
Suzi, you and I are again insomnia buddies. As to the other, I don't know what to tell you other than I'm sorry you're in that situation.
I tried to keep my answers really general and all that, but I'm worried about any fall out. Worried that something will get taken out of context. Blech.
I have the ick and it looks like Matt has the ick. I sorta need to be at work until 1 tomorrow.
I think I should be sleeping. oops.
Yeah, that's a sucky position to be in. Blech. I'm watching an old Without A Trace and petting my kitties. It seems to be helping.
ETA: oh noes! Teh ick is spreading through the internets!
my friend the Kleenex box... some one should write a book
heading bedwards, eyes say sleep, but Matt is snoring. I will out snore him, but first I must sleep...
I'm up but not insomniac, I have tomorrow off.
I finally watched Kinky Boots last night (thanks for the loaner, Kristin!) and it was so great I think I'll watch it again before I go to sleep. Chiwetel Ejiofor is my new imaginary boyfriend.