The first thing my boyfriend and I did together (after meeting at our friend's babyshower where there was sparkage but then he left the next day to go back home to chicago) was play Scrabulous on Facebook. So I kind of have warm feelings for the place. And I still miss Scrabulous.
I miss it, too. Thank goodness for Wordscraper, but it's not the same.
Oh, I need more streets! They took away one of my neighbors, I don't know why.
How weird. Maybe that neighbor canceled their facebook acct.
It means I have to park on Nicole St. And she's mean! She gives big, honking tickets. Mean.
Even on Thanksgiving!
::hugs and smooches beverly for days and days::
I know FDR's great-grandson; he's a classical archaeologist.
That's cool!
It's the other one, Connie. I'm being coy, I know. J knows my penchant for online exclamation and she's keeping her meeting on the down low. I was just bursting.
I just think the Astors are cool because of the Titanic thing. And poor Brooke and her nasty grandson (nephew?).
ssshhh. for my first day back from holiday and all, I think I actually got a lot done! Crazy talk I say. Crazy!
45 minutes until we go off to Book Club. Wheeee!
What's a good treatment for a cold sore?
What's a good treatment for a cold sore?
Zovirax is the medicine of choice, but it's still prescription I think.
You want to lay off beer and wheat as much as possible.
Have caught Teh Ick over the interwebs from KristinT. I blame everyone except me!
Oh no! I'm sorry, Nora. I'll stop sneezing on the keyboard.
Am trying very, very hard to pay attention to disability discrimination law in education lecture.
Ouch. Good luck with that.
Cash, that's very cool.
I'm proud of myself. Despite my personal ick, I managed to shower and spend 90 minutes grading. I've finished one set of tests and am about to start the next. I think (if I'm feeling up to it) I need to do something to reward myself tonight.
What's a good treatment for a cold sore?
Once it's there, fully? I pop Valtrex (Rx) when I feel it coming on, slather with Abreva, but if you don't have those things and it comes all up?
Stay away from acidy things, moisturze and don't pick. And wash hands before touching eyes or genitals because you can self-infect. Also, no mouth-to-mouth or parts nookie on unifected partner.
Signed, massive cold sores since age 5. Yeowch.
There's also a dietary supplement, an amino acid called lysine, you can take that's supposed to reduce their incidence. I am a bad, bad pill-taker and usually don't remember (and thus am usually sporting a cold sore because I like my beer plus I'm generally a nervous little dude), but I've definitely never had the smallest whisper of a cold sore during any time when I was remembering to take it.
Signed, massive cold sores since age 5. Yeowch.
Blech! I sort of feel your pain; for a while there I was getting a shingles outbreak about once a year. First time was at 15 after a bad sunburn, last time was earlier this year over something stupid that my body perceived as a stress overload.
I looked into lysine but it seems to be a cold sore supplement and doesn't seem to be effective for shingles.