Go GC!!! That's such good news!
Fay, I hope you get home for Christmas. I have a high school friend who was still stuck in your fair city as of the 29th. I don't think she's made it out yet, either.
Hil, I'm sorry about the evals, but yay last class!
Raq's toilet paper tube story makes me giggle.
Erin, you are a saint. I can't even imagine what I would have done in that situation. Actually, I take that back. What I would have done would have included the word "fucknozzle" and would have been neither productive nor pleasant.
Beth, I'm so sorry about your rough day. Be good to yourself, love.
Red beans and rice sounds yum.
Cash, pick up ricotta and yes please haircut pics!
Thanks for the sympathy, all. A combination of Cepacol, sore throat spray, and Thera-Flu has taken some of the pain out of the throat situation, so I'm feeling a little better (though I still feel sorry for myself and am rather pathetic). I've hit the painful nose phase after blowing my nose for three days straight, which is adding to the whine factor. Apologies, everyone. There's more, but my brain isn't functioning so well at the moment.
Puffs Plus tissues and hot salt water gargles are your friends, Kristin, till you can get to the doc and more powerful stuff.
The hot salt water is very soothing, and it also helps disinfect and clear some of the irritating mucus from your throat. And when I'm blowing my nose a lot, I plunk for the soft, soft, lotiony tissues. No sense adding to the misery.
Fay, I'm sending all my soothing, settling vibes to the government over there, plus a fuckton of ice cubes so they can just chill out and let people get on with their travels. Stay safe, woman.
Get well soon ~ma, Kristin.
OK yeah, tonight is the night of teh dumb. When I moved the poles in the lobby there was a puddle under one of them. I remarked on how a puddle could be localized under a pole and was met by blank stares. So now I'm filling out the product waste report and I see "large drink- customer spilled". Clearly the person who cleaned up the spill simply mopped around the pole. Genius.
Hot salt water gargles, yes indeedy. I don't have the energy to go out and get good tissues, but I'm going to put some lotion on my nose before I go to sleep.
I'm thinking right now that I need medicinal pumpkin pie.
ETA: Laga, sorry to hear that you're dealing with teh stoopid.
I offer love and hugs to all who want them. I'm starting to get stiff and sore, so won't try to type everything I'm thinking. Suffice it to say that I had to lift a 170 lb person, completely limp, from the floor, high enough that the other staff member on duty could push a chair under the person's butt.
That shit's a lot easier to do if you do it on a regular basis.
Oh ouch, Andi. Can you take a nice, hot bath?
mmmmmedicinal pie. drooool.
ooh ouch WindSparrow. If you have pie, make sure to have some.
oof, WS. Take Care of yourself.
thanks for all the sympathy. I really wasn't expecting to be hit so hard today. Matt is being extra good to me. He knows I just feel like hiding, so he is being good at just letting me be.