Brenda has made me grin like a loon with that video. Wanna hug and skritch the doggie right now! Go, Lu!
Barb has given me an earworm, and I'm only half-smiling. Bowie is never wrong, but I really didn't need a soundtrack today.
My MiL finally grasped the meaning of "no wheat" when I ate the filling out of the pumpkin pie and left the crust. She sent some home, but I had eggs and grits (instead of wheat toast) and sausages for brunch, I'm not ready for pie yet.
Tom story is just appalling. I'm horrified, but not especially surprised, actually.
Watching an episode of House where they're going to use ECT to wipe a guy's memory. I could get all ranty-cakes, but I'll try really hard not to. But, I'm finding this REALLY offensive.
Barb has given me an earworm, and I'm only half-smiling. Bowie is never wrong, but I really didn't need a soundtrack today.
Sorry, love. If it makes you feel any better, I'm earwormed myself-- caught a snippet of "I Go to Rio" off The Boy From Oz soundtrack and it won't. go. away.
It's entirely too... high energy for today.
Yay Lucy!
Death by Black Friday is terrible. What a waste. Have these people never heard of distributing tickets?
We are straightening up this morning and putting up our Christmas tree later today! Whee!!!
Brenda, it's so good to see Lu doing better!
Hi everyone! Happy Leftovers Day! I'm about to go make myself my first turkey sandwich and am very happy about it. I've given myself permission to have a a lazy do nothing day since I've been working my ass off at work and home for two weeks, AIFG!
My niecephews are teh cyutest! [link] [link]
ETA: And my moms with her grandbabies is pretty cyut, too: [link]
My sister made no offer of leftovers. D had to say "I'm taking some pie" or we would have got nothing. So I'm going to buy a turkey breast to make at home. Can I put it on top of stuffing to approximate "inside the bird"-ness?
vw, I found that episode very aggravating.
Barb, people really do suck sometimes.
I'm finally home from shopping. We gave up on the mall at about 11:30 when the mall became too crowded and went to lunch and then TJ Maxx. People are crazy rude and don't have any problem pushing aside a woman on crutches.
This is why I think all crutches should have a concealed blade.
I want them to have spikes that spring out of the bottom, like the spring loaded stakes on Angel.