Daniel is wise. And people who don't annoy you get to lick the beaters!
Fay, be safe. Thoughts are with you, candle lit.
Happy Thanksgiving, those who observe it. I'll be spending it with in-laws, in between hours-long drives. On the plus side, I'm not cooking, and there will be leftovers!
Popping in briefly to say Happy Thanksgiving to my beloved Buffistas! I hope you have a safe, happy day no matter where you live. I am very thankful to have you in my life.
Beverly is wise.
Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating. Happy Thursday to everyone.
My father just came in, looking rather confused, and said, "Mom said to ask you where the sudoku knife is."
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Buffistae!!
I've got one thing left to do before hieing over to the daughter's, an asparagus mushroom puff pastry. Then, a stop at Starbuck's on the way for foofy coffee. I'm taking a bottle of Fernet with me, it will be interesting to see what the family thinks about it. I've told my dad and brother it's sort of in the same family as Jagermeister, which they don't care for. Heh. More for me, then.
happy thanksgiving USistas!
Stay safe Fay.
I've told my dad and brother it's sort of in the same family as Jagermeister, which they don't care for. Heh. More for me, then.
See, this is what I thought would happen when I introduced y'all to it, and yet you took to it like white on rice. Freaks. (I kid, I kid.)
NoiseDesign, I hope you got some relief. I've found doing some back/shoulder stretching helps my occassional pain. I suggest getting a foam roll pillow and lying down on it, centered on your spine with your arms spread (Jesus pose). It's been no end of help with my shoulder issues.
That and drugs.
Thanksgiving was had. Only a few teary moments, my cousin who I dind't think was going to come over (due to his family commitments) came and it was nice. He's the peditrician (or My Cousin the Doctor) and he played with my nephew. He's good with babies.
Dinner was. omigod. Everything was great. The Cranberry Tangerine Conserve I thought I messed it up, but we added some white sugar and water, thinned it out, and then finished it off with fresh tangerine juice. There was almost none left.
Usualy the cranberry stuff is the main left over.
People brought more than I thought they would/ And in a Thanksgiving miracle one aunt had 2 folding tables we could use. We needed them.
We had for main dishes -- Baked Quail with Potatoes, Fried Turkey, Roasted Chicken with Sausage Stuffing/Dressing, Spiral Cut Ham. Gravy
Sides: Maple Glazed Carrots, Stuffed Acorn Squash, Sweet Potato Casserole (two kinds since two people brought them), Green Beans, Creamed Corn, Ambrosia, Waldorf Salad, Fresh Navel Orange Slices (from my uncle's orange tree), Potato Rolls, Brown N Serve Rolls, Dressing, Cranberry Tangerine Conserve.
I think I forgot something.
Dessert: Sweet Potato Pie and Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake.