Kathy, that recipe looks amazing. One day, when I'll have 6 free hours and high self esteem, I'll give it a try.
NoiseDesign, feel better.
IOmewhiningN, I had a dentist appointment yesterday. Some prick with two lovely daughters who was after me in line pushed his way in and entered before me, causing me to get up from the chair in the middle of the appointment to catch the last bus home, and now I'll have to get back there tomorrow to finish it (if I could make sure they'll also take out the wisdom teeth that are giving me bad time, that would be fucking great). The lesson, gentle viewers? Bitchslap the asshole next time, no matter how lovely his daughters might be.
Which means I'll have the chance to clean the house tonight, but guess what? REALLY don't want to. I just wanna rest. No, wait: I just NEED to rest.
< /whining>
Happy Thanksgiving, Americans!
(Edit: You should all thank God I'm not a writer, with the impressive continuity skills I just demonstrated here).
Better dental care~ma, Shir!
This is the first time I've ever attempted to treat spagetti squash like spagetti. I hope I like it. I hope Daniel likes it.
He did.
Now all gone, and infusing into my being.
I got the trundle bed in the office. Dualing clock ticks is maddening, I say! It's a little creepy looking at bro-in-laws wall of certificates. All are special forces related schools. But one is funny. It's a plaque of recognition and says in quotes under his name "Its classified, Bitches!"
ND, I hope the pain went away. Ask Stage Management, they have all sorts of SAMs Club sized bottles of pain killers back stage. If the condition persists, try some stretches. Stand up straight with arms up in the air, and slowly bend from the hips keeping arms out until your are streched down all but touching toes. Rinse & repeat afew times. The trick is going slow. I find that helps get the vertabrae realigned sometimes.
Dualing clock ticks is maddening, I say!
whoa, flashback. I thought I'd never get to sleep the first night I spent in my (now ex) husband's grandma's house. Every clock ticked. The next thing I knew, it was morning.
Yeah, I snagged pain killers from Stage Management. I'm doing a bit better now and we just wrapped for the night so I'm heading for the car shortly.
I hope you get some rest, ND.
Aimee -- Radcliffe alert!!! Daniel Radcliffe will be on Inside the Actor's Studio on Monday at 8PM EST on Bravo!