Yeah, Fay, it would be great to know you are still safe and sound.
Windsparrow, I may quote you just to see what happens.
Preferably in person, with a camcorder in hand. Posterity really wants to see those faces.
There may be times when I won't answer questions about my age, or will deflect with "Old enough to lie about it, young enough to be believed". But if I give a number, it is accurate. I figure in about ten years I might start telling people I'm sixty, so they can goggle at how great I look.
I'm sorry about your loss, juliana.
I am so sorry Juliana. A big tough looking guy with a heart of pure marshmallow; sad that this would happen to anyone but especially such a sweetheart.
Juliana, I'm saddened and angered by the stupid and tragic loss of your friend. It sounds as though he will be well remembered. I'm sorry the world's a little darker tonight.
Juliana, I'm so sorry.
Fay, please be safe. I heard the news earlier and was very worried. Good to hear you are ok, but keep us informed.
"My independent consulting fee starts at $200 per hour for x and y. There are additional fees for z, and a two hour minimum."
don't forget to charge for travel, and drive the most congested route you can.
Omnis and NoiseDesign: When you're really bored? A wreath made of zip ties.
Ha! That's awesome. I wonder if that's what the boys did with all those zip ties last year for Halloween.
I'm packing. Of course, the laundry I did last night forgot to have pants. I discovered that at 1:30. I gotta leave here about 8:30. Ya, I'll be tired tomorrow. I keep thinking I'm forgetting something. But I'm off to FLA in the morning. Wooot! GG, send a note to my profile addy if you want to arrange a kidnapping.
{{juliana}} I'm so sorry.
Fay, thanks for the updates.
(((juliana))) I'm so sorry for your loss.