did the "star" show up on time? :)
Ha! He was a little late, but not much. Fair play to him - he's doing a good job, and he did knuckle down after the point when I came online and bitched about it. (And, I swear, if he'd been apologising & acknowledging the fact that his lateness was having an impact on the poor slobs who were waiting around, I'd have been good with it - shit happens, and so does tardiness. It was the failure to acknowledge it that was so galling. Gah.)
CNN has the exit polls up on it's site. At first I was bummed that I didn't get asked anything. Then I saw the list of questions. Dear Jebus, that was longer than the ballot! Glad I didn't. However. It is interesting to see the results. Most notably, how low the black vote was. I dunno if that is a low vote, or a low exit poll of black voters.
I've read articles that said black turnout was indeed up, but the black vote as a proportion of the overall vote was not (and nor was the youth vote) -
turned out in greater numbers. Which is fantastic, it indicates Obama has a broad base of support. It also means that he won North Carolina (I'm assuming it'll be called for him) with a drop in the African-American proportion of the vote.
African-Americans are only about 13-14% of the total US population.
Huh. I thought it was more than that. Learn something new every day.
From the CIA World Factbook on USA population:
white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate)
Huh. I thought it was more than that. Learn something new every day.
That was my impression too, growing up. Of course, I had no personal experience to go on. This was all from watching American TV - which tended to be set in cities.
Nope, much to the dismay of people like Tom Tancredo, it's us Hispanics who are set to become a majority.
Yeah, 79.6% includes the Hispanics, so it's deceptive when looking for trends. I am a little surprised the Asian population % is that low, however.
It also means that he won North Carolina (I'm assuming it'll be called for him) with a drop in the African-American proportion of the vote.
Point 1: it will. I'm assuming that the press just isn't that interested in calling things until the board of elections certifies, but they counted about 40,000 provisional votes yesterday -- as that's the number of provisionals they expected to get, I'm guessing they stopped when they were done and didn't just knock off for a pizza and a beer.
Point 2: Black turnout was up by a whole lot in NC -- 23% in exit polls, compared to 21% of registered voters and 18% of the turnout in the last presidential election. It is a drop from the early vote period, of course, but since the majority of black voters (by registration) came out early, it couldn't but go down.
Omnis, cinnamon sticks are more for things like spiced hot cider and other liquids such as sauces and fruit compote. I do make a cookie recipe that calls for both a tea made from cinnamon sticks and rolling them in sugar and cinnamon sticks blended or food processed together. Yum. Now that I'm thinking about them, maybe this would be a good Christmas to make Pan de Polvos.
Obama has a marvelous opportunity - he's energized people, inspired people, and I think that by saying it will be hard work with the hope of something better in the future people are going to be willing to pitch in. This is the opportunity Shrub had after 9/11 - people were eager to help - and he threw it away to pursue his own agenda. The thought of what he COULD have done makes me sad - but today, coming in to work, I kept hearing this chant in my mind, "yes we can". There's an air of expectation in town.
I've had the same thought, Todd. I think it's another historic opportunity. I'm not sure I can stand it if this one gets squandered too.