The Alchemist Pub and Brewery Bookmarked
Planning the workday around fine Ale seems to be in order on November 29th .
Think this will be one of the first stops for askye when she visits Vermont.
Ben and Jerry and the Alchemist in the same town they should hook up.
I must have clients I need to see in Waterbury on the 29th . Grins
If any of you do plan on being in the area let me know.
Best wishes to you all from Vermont and
( Hugs for my sweet lady down south )
SL, we'll definitely be there. Probably in the afternoon, when it first opens.
Thanks so much for the supportive thoughts over this explosion. And Laga, that is exactly what I've done. I hope they will take me up on the offer and I really do understand the kind of fear that leads to inappropriate responses like this but...
Here is what I didn't say:
Okay, so the sense I'm getting is that you had a wildly inappropriate tantrum and, to distract from that, you are using me as a bludgeon. Saying that I have harmed you by going overtime on a session is ridiculous. I took you for more of an adult than that. Bummer for all of us.
I guess the worst part is that this particular person has been one of my very favorite clients ever. I really did assume more maturity and am mystified as to what is actually going on...'cause it sure ain't this. In truth, I think I DO know...and I'm seldom wrong when it comes to something like just makes me sad when people sabotage themselves like that.
Ah well. The learning will occur, or not.
WindSparrow, I have a newfound respect for you. My throat is out to kill me. I don't know how you lived through this. Though, people are enjoying me with no voice. Ugh. So. Much. Pain.
I am with Omnis. Please kill kidnap me.
seriously? Again today. 10am mail server firedrill from soon-to-be-ex-craxy that has lasted until... checks watch... NOW.
AUGH. I need to change all of my numbers.
eta. ooops close that tag.
Oh vw - I'm sorry you got it too. That's something I would gladly keep to myself.
I'm actually not sure what I've got. I'm pretty sure it's a result of my new CPAP mask, which has caused a tremendous dry throat, which results in coughing fits, which results in great pain and apparently now, no voice. And I'm hosting Thanksgiving on Thursday. W00t!
In completely unrelated news, CBD's parents just returned from a few weeks in Australia and New Zealand. They brought me back the most GORGEOUS hand-spun yarn that I have ever seen. I thought that was just the sweetest, most thoughtful gift ever.
ACK-- it's bad enough that teenyboppers and seven year-olds and their mothers are begging for bites, but Tyra?
Come ON.
And it's not like he really had a choice in the situation. yech