Never having had an anxiety attack I can only say what I have observed. -- They seem to start with stress, but they continue long after the stress is gone. Good luck and I hope it ends soon.
I'd take Nate's word , too. Sounds like you have no reason to disbelieve him. But because his friend seems to be involved -- Maybe a conversation about what C should have done instead of hit the kid might be worth it.
I was sure there was something else I wanted to say -- but I can't remember any specifics.
ma to all in need
and yay of tom
Also, there's not enough beer.
send reinforcements... QUICK! We are approaching hour 12 in the icebox theater, and the internet is beyond sketchy. I'm bored. And the Stage Manager is not being all that productive with jumping back and forth thru scenes. Send lawyers guns & money!!!!!
I'm kind of obsessing over the IV bruise on my arm. I'd thought it was normal -- it looks just like my mom's arm always looks after an IV -- but the doctor I saw today was shocked by it.
I'm looking up some symptoms of anxiety attacks. They really don't seem like what I've been having. All the symptom lists include stuff like "surge of overwhelming panic" or "feeling of losing control or going crazy." I wasn't feeling any of that. Was getting kind of scared when the heart palpitations were going on longer than I was used to, and when the nurse said to go to the ER, but that started long after the heart palpitations. Like, nearly a week after. And I never had the out-of-control feeling that I'd generally associate with an anxiety attack.
I don't know about anxiety attacks, but I bruise like a son of a bitch from IVs.
I have no beer. This certainly counts as "not enough."
I also kind of have no food. Guess I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. And I want to get that done before Shabbos starts, but I just realized that it starts at 4:30. Stupid winter.
I've had my share of bruised IV holes. I swear I can still see a small ditch in my arm from an IV back in 1988! Folks say I'm crazy.
So, I know I'm new to TX and all, but, ya gotta love these folks. They got balls I tell ya:
Had to share this from one of my other threads:
Mukasey was 15 to 20 minutes into his speech about the Bush administration's successes in combatting terrorism when he began slurring his words. He collapsed and lost consciousness, said O'Conner, the department's No. 3 official. It was unclear whether he regained consciousness.
Can you imagine? I think we actually witnessed a smite. Like for real.
followed by:
Note that Mukasey was addressing the Federalist Society. I remain convinced that this had something to do with his sudden affliction as well.