Job-ma for billytea, and squish-ma for Prop 8.
Now here I am, putting the EYE into TMI:
So yesterday I was vaguely conscious of a sense of irritation in my left eye from the morning onwards, but it wasn't itchy exactly and mostly I was able to forget about it. It wasn't really a familiar sensation - I've had grit on my lens, or whatever, and it's hellish, but this wasn't painful it was just - it was sensation, really. Vague there's-something-in-my-eye-maybe-an-eyelash sensation.
Getting towards the end of the day I was more conscious of it, and asked one of the kids if he could see an eyelash on my eyeball, or anything (because who has time to duck out of teaching and go find a mirror? Plus - reports to photocopy, assessments to put onto server, books to mark etc etc in any non-contact time). He said nope. A bit later I bumped into a colleague and she said 'Oh, yeah, I see it - you've got a hair on the lens."
But there was no pain, and I was busy, so I just put it on a backburner for another half hour.
Come 2.35pm, all my kiddies are out the door and ushered to the gate, and I ducked into the loo next to my classroom. (It's the only time I've been in the boys' loo, I think, and I figured all the kids were gone so what the hell - and of course surprised a twelve year old boy who was, thank goodness, standing at the sink washing his hands. He was, bless him, shocked. I was all 'You should have gone home!' and he was all 'But I have after school club!' And I was all 'So you should be in the Canteen!' and he was all 'But it's a special club' and I was all 'SO GO TO THE CLUB, KID! GOODBYE!')
Aaanyway. So I lean forward to the mirror, and spot the source of irritation. And yes, it's a bit of hair, but it's not lying flat over the lens, it's sort of poking out of the whatchamacallit - the inner-corner bit. But I get hold of it and pull.
And pull.
And pull.
...and it's a four inch long hair, which I can feel sliding out from INSIDE MY EYE SOCKET. And it's a bit gloopy.
Honestly, it was like a magician's trick. A really barf-inducing one.
And being the generous-spirited soul I am, I had to share with you lucky people.