Back from ER. They said it seemed like nothing -- EKG was "squeaky-clean," and I don't seem to have a blood clot. Official diagnosis on my discharge papers was "palpitations," which was the reason I went in to begin with.
Why is ER so cold? I had to keep my winter jacket on the entire time I was inside.
Snuggling up in blankets and getting to bed now.
(((Hil))) I'm glad you went to the ER and it was nothing serious. You might want to ask your doctor at some point about the numbness possible being a form of a migraine. I get that sometimes when I'm very anxious. Take care.
Glad to hear the EKG is good. But I hate to think of you being a candidate for a House episode.
This pain induced insomnia is really for the birds. I don't know how y'all who deal with it regularly cope so well without utterly giving up and/or cutting people.
Last time I went into ER I was post-feverish and tachy (heart rate of 120). The doctor seemed concerned, but a litre of saline seemed to even things out.
(((Windsparrow))) I'm sorry your in pain.
I'm up early because my body seems to be totally confused by the concepts of day and night.
You know what is incredibly sweet? Sammie, my little spaz of a cat, has been keeping me company, purring for me, sitting on my desk, reaching her little paw to my head as if to pet me. All in all, much more intense contact from her than usual. Upstairs when I was sitting up in bed, she put both her front paws on my shoulder. She's never done that one before.
Awwww. What a dear, dear cat.
Nothing helps to lessen the pain, WindSaprrow?
I'm taking 1000mg of Tylenol plus 600mg of Ibuprofen every six hours. This makes it so I'm not sobbing most of the time, but it still is very painful when I swallow, so just as I relax enough to almost fall asleep, I have to swallow, and then wake up all over again. I started an antibiotic yesterday. So hopefully it will do its thing fast, so there is less pain to be felt.
What did the doctor say was going on in your throat, Andi?