Insh'allah! I'm certainly crossing fingers and toes for that too - it seems appropriate, since so far it's been every third year I've made it over.
Man, busy busy busy right now! I'm finishing writing reports, I'm doing reading assessments (man, my kids are GREAT little readers! They've really made fabulous progress!) until the cows come home, and tonight is the opening night of my play,
(Well, okay - the Student Preview.)
Up bottoms!
I'm enjoying the expat Brit gloatiness. REALLY enjoying it.
It is, in a word, adorable.
My head is buzzing. I want to make out with EVERYONE.
That's okay with everyone, isn't it?
After 8 FREAKIN YEARS of W? Yeah, I'm more nervous.
College kid who was working with me this afternoon asked me who I thought was going to win. I said, "I don't want to jinx it. But I can tell you whose sign I have in my front yard."
I just stuck my "I Voted" sticker on my computer and used a Sharpie to add "Obama 08" to it.
My head is buzzing. I want to make out with EVERYONE.
That's okay with everyone, isn't it?
Oh yes, line starts here. No pushing, Bitches.
I had better fight down the urge to drink more and call all my relatives and say "neener, neener."
It has been glorious celebrating with you.
I'll make out with you, JZ!! I"ll make out with EVERYONE. At the same time! With whipped cream and hot fudge and squirrels and candied ginger!
I just stuck my "I Voted" sticker on my computer and used a Sharpie to add "Obama 08" to it.
I accosted an Obama campaign worker for a sticker today. She gave me the one off her chest when I said I wanted to wear it to the doctor's office. IT's now on my fridge with my "I Voted" sticker on it.
I think it may lower my cholesterol and render cheese stored in the refrigerator calorie-free. Even Brie.
I stuck my "I voted" sticker on my "no on 8" button
I'm sad that they had no stickers at my poll place. But I'll gladly trade the sticker for the results!
:: gets in the make-out line ::
is it just me or is our next first lady the prettiest ever?
Yes she is.
Still bitter about the stickers. And still wanting to smack all the people immediately cooing about McCain's speech (including family). Miles above what I expected from McCain, for sure, but still.
ETA: not the people here. Just - can we have five minutes to celebrate Obama before we weep about "he's really a good man, it was just his campaign, so sad." Which was so what I was hearing where I was. It bugged a little. Especially considering the stone faces he gave that speech to, when they weren't booing - these are your people McCain. Putting a bow on it now is way better than your other choices.
Wow, that so didn't make it better, did it?