Good grief. That's dumb. (Also, I had no idea you still had to request applications by mail--can't you download everything on the internet, these days?)
Well, it's a special application for my program. Because the stupid Director of Admissions resists all change, I can't put it on the online application.
Joe Biden's sister, who is one of his closest advisors and lived with him and his boys for years after their mom died, is a graduate of my school. She spoke at my graduation!
Makes squinty eyes at Aims.
Don't make me cut you, either.
There's enough love to go around.
Makes squinty eyes at Juliana.
I said I'd share!!
I never said I'd share. And I can run faster. HAR!
He's so clearly mine, you're all deluded. Jeffrey Dean MORGAN. My father's family are Morgans. We're, like, sixteenth cousins four times removed or something!
::runs away with JDM to undisclosed location VERY QUICKLY::
Way to keep it in the family, Amy.
OTOH, there are WAY more Amy/Aimee's than juliana or Perkins'. We could TOTALLY take them.
OTOH, there are WAY more Amy/Aimee's than juliana or Perkins'. We could TOTALLY take them.
I will always share with other Aimee/Amys. It's only right and fair.