For all the One Unified Catholic Church talk, it's actually (in the US anyway) a complete mishmashy patchwork.
And in various chunks of the world has been the bastion of free expression. Crazy Polish Roommate regarded the Roman Catholic church a hotbed of radicalism -- it's where she got unfiltered news and tracked down banned books. When I was in Peru I was surprised to see a family planning clinic sign ON THE CHURCH. I asked around and apparently throughout the Andes that is pretty common.
Some people might
it to be all of one piece, but it really isn't.
Glomps Aims.
Job~ma to Tom and presentation~ma to GC.
Just talked to CJ before he headed off to the school bus. He is still on a snow-high.
ooh, good luck GC! Is this the end of the journey?
Almost - I have to finish the two classes I'm in this quarter. My LAST DAY (!!!!) is December 3. OMGWTFYEAH!
SUZI!! I r a bad person.
You made me two beautiful snoods and I keep forgetting to mention that A) they are beautiful and b) that I love them. Specially when I'm cleaning house!!! And Em loves them because she wears them, too, but mostly for dress up and they look like a knit beret on her teeny tiny head.
Okay, we all know what I mean when I say kitchen sink drainer, right? What do you call the part the you pull up on/push down in the middle?
Much ~ma to Tom and to GC and anyone else who needs it along with assorted hugs and gropes.
Vortex, I'm not sure I would get it without the explanation. But I don't have anything better to offer.
Yay Aims! I'm glad you and Em like them. Glad I made two so you could share. They were fun and different from anything else I have crocheted.
Snood! Can't say that word without smiling. Snood.