Is it mean for me to respond to a (potential) student "No, I will not send an application because can't follow directions, and are clearly too stupid to go to college"
Student emails me, asks me for an app. I say sure, please send me your address and the name and address of your high school. The response? No shit, verbatim:
621 Ema Street
Lakeland Highschool
726 Hollingsworth Road
NO CITY OR STATE!! How does this child think that I am going to get her this information!!!
Trudy, what wonderful news about A!
Lakeland Highschool 726 Hollingsworth Road
NO CITY OR STATE!! How does this child think that I am going to get her this information!!!
Groovy, another product of the fine, fine Florida public high school system.
I'd write the school and berate them for not teaching kids the basics.
ETA: Vortex, she can't even spell her own home address correctly-- it's probably Emma Street
Is it mean for me to respond to a (potential) student "No, I will not send an application because can't follow directions, and are clearly too stupid to go to college"
No. But then, I've been wanting to say the same thing to tenured faculty all day.
Groovy, another product of the fine, fine Florida public high school system.
On behalf of the teaching force in this fine, fine state, I apologize. I do what I can but there are more idiots than there are people to help them.
On behalf of the teaching force in this fine, fine state, I apologize. I do what I can but there are more idiots than there are people to help them.
::pats GG::
S'okay, sweetie-- only so many idiots you should be expected to cope with and considering you have to start with DD, that's worth at least a dozen clueless students.
Got caught up (thank you, threadsuck!), and wanted to respond to Andi:
So, hivemind... anyone remember that ep. of Good Eats where Alton goes after oatmeal? Remember how long and how hot an oven he said for toasting steel cut oats to cut later cooking time? I tried the Food Network site, and got no joy.
Here's the transcript for the oatmeal episode.
The Good Eats Fanpage has just about all the info on the show you'll ever need.
ETA: Vortex, she can't even spell her own home address correctly-- it's probably Emma Street
sadly, Barb was right. When she emailed me back, she corrected the spelling to "Emma" Street.
I wonder if I can write on the app with special marker, a big 'NO' that flouresces when it gets to the admissions office.
Advice for hotel people, students, and, let's face it, anyone: Do Not Vex the Vortex!
Well, the opportunity to vex me will be reduced, as I am leaving to have a glass of wine with a friend.