Nora, AB did toast the oats in butter on the stove top, but he also mentioned putting 'em in the oven as another way to cut down on stove top cooking time, and that is what we had been after. We're hoping to make the steel cut oats we got at the local co-op easier to fix up in the mornings before work.
Barb, thank you for finding that - the directions sound reasonable. So that is what we will do.
Edited because co-op and coop are really not quite the same places.
basically, the night before, Tom toasts the oats in butter and then adds boiling water to it. He covers the pot and we go to bed. This softens the oats up to cook 'em up nice and quick in the morning. I think he just adds some milk to it and brings it up to a boil (there may be some more water added as well).
Works great. Mmm, I may request he do that tonight for breakfast tomorrow!
Erika, that totally sucks. I'm sorry for the bullshit.
Erin, congrats and I hope you get good news on the other 1/2.
{{{Tom & Nora}}}
Happy birthday, Jessica!!!
Great, now I want oatmeal!
Happy birthday Jessica!
Eek, Sox! Sorry things are so rough. Why are there so very many stupid people in this world?
Today most of my appointments canceled so I'm drowning my sorrows by having a lunch date with a friend.
Why are there so very many stupid people in this world?
it's not the ones in the wild that bother me. it's the captive ones, what lurk in offices.
it's the captive ones, what lurk in offices
And have access to phones and email.
And have access to phones and email.
obviously it is time to order more flaming cows.
Where does one acquire a flaming cow?
Fay, I'm glad the play went well and sorry there are asshats giving the director a hard time.
Confidence and jobma to Tom; Peace to my Beverly, and good things ~ma to everyone else.
Where does one acquire a flaming cow?
we could put in a bulk order. Aimee - how is Joe feeling?