I have my car! It's gorgeous and shiny and drives like a dream.Yay! Wheels! Independence! Whee! Congrats.
{{{shir}}} I hope things turn around for your life with the change of the month.
I've decided to work from home for the afternoon. Now I'm debating, do I actually work? Stargate is calling me, saying "watch the last disc of Atlantis season 5. Watch the last few discs of SG1 Season 10. Sit in evil chair and relax". Stupid work.
Just take the extra in to the theatre with you. Probably be gone in nanoseconds.Ha! As if. EVERYONE is on a flippin' diet. It's impossible to push sweets right now. I baked yummy cookies a lil while back and it took all afternoon to get rid of them. I did find out the t or t are non-existent in this neighborhood.
OK. Costume question. Mind you, I am LAME LAME LAME when it comes to costumes and Halloween. Dunno why. Just not that bent. So. I have two ideas, well, 2.5 ideas.
1) use my new hat and go as Jayne
2) wear the tux and go as Bond, James Bond
3) wear the tux and say I'm the latest victim of the Runaway bride.
Well? The party is tomorrow. So i have a little time. If I do the Jayne thing, I should probably go to the Army/Navy store to get some accessories.