Yikes, Shir. Those dreams sound terrifying.
I can't get to sleep. It's partly my shoulder hurting, partly that I'm in the middle of a book that I want to finish, and partly that I just can't get my mind to calm down enough for sleep to happen. I just took a bunch of Motrin to deal with the first problem, but I don't know how to deal with the other two.
Oh, I can assure they're not - I'm very good with keeping my head together in my dreams, and I'm mostly numb in them. I think my brain's probably running emotional scenarios on me while sleeping, just in case, because I tend towards the control freak, as I said before.
And oh, Hil. Relax~ma, and sleep for me too!
Well, I just turned off my fan. It was a balance between "too hot to sleep" and "too noisy to sleep," and the noise seemed to be more annoying. And the Motrin seems to be slowly kicking in, so I'm going to try sleep again.
Shir, I hope your next b.org dream is something more fun.
Gnite, Hil.
Woohoo! Congratulations, SA!