Just remember people - spiders are our friends; they eat scorpions.
When did Matilda get to be such a little girl? She was just a baby yesterday, I swear. Emmett, now him I get - in my mind he's half kid and half seasoned pro baseball player, and that photo of the two of them together captures a lot of what that means.
Timelies, night shift. (Ah, that takes me back. Are Angus and Moonlit ever seen around these parts? Also, memories of Gus.)
Boo, meara, so sorry about the job thing. About A/Ds, Wellbutrin is a dopamine-enhancer rather than SSRI, and apparently doesn't have some of the SSRI-type side effects (food/sex problems) as a result.
Thanks java! I knew there were a few different ones out there. Will consider when talking to doc.
I feel like if life were not so ridic, would not be feeling like this. Why can't I hand meds or talky meat to the outside forces controlling my life?!? Because really. Oy. This is only about a year and two weeks after the first of the two previous layoffs. Seriously. I think that was like, July 19th of last year?
As I was saying to Kat tonight (who was v. nice and soothing), it's not even about having a regular income, if I get reassigned within the company (though obviously, that would be a nice and reassuring part of it!!!), it's the whole having to learn a new job, too! And that's gonna happen no matter what, it seems. Ay.
Vampire MOTHS? That sounds icky. At least vampire butterflies would sound pretty or something?
And Hil, I so hear you on the stress. And so want some nice beach time. oooh.
Vampire MOTHS? That sounds icky. At least vampire butterflies would sound pretty or something?
But then they lose their 'creatures of the night' shtick.
I killed a spider in the house today. I usually don't do this because it's supposed to be bad luck but it was just an itsy bitsy thing and it built its web in the medicine cabinet on the toothpaste.
This is the day that never ends
yes it goes on and on my friends
I was wide awake so many hours ago
and I'm still wide awake, forever just because
This is the day that never ends...
It is okay to hate your dissertation. And your research. And even your frakking topic. Half my research was looking at movie magazines and I still had to drag myself out to the library most days.
Hang in there. It will be worth it.