Pete, just so you know, I totally horrified Lewis last night with 80s videos. He spent more than thirty minutes groaning "Why are we watching this again?" yet couldn't tear himself away. Heh.
ION, I've been browsing the NaNo forums and just giggling madly-- so many of the participants are so young and they're so damned earnest (and most of them seem to be writing either high fantasy or "literary"-- of course).
God love their enthusiastic little hearts. One girl was lamenting the fact that she was getting so old and that she'd been doing NaNo for years and she hadn't been published yet and she was just so sure it would've happened by now.
She's 27.
According to an online BMI calculator I am 2 pounds away from overweight.
Waits for someone else to come along to say what utter bullshit the BMI scale is, for I am weary.
I'll do it! Though not as eloquently as you or Steph generally do.
Step away from the BMI. It is a crude tool measuring something of highly dubious value with little relation to your actual health or fitness.
It's bullshit because it doesn't take into account bone density and build and all sorts of other factors that have squat to do with maintaining a healthy weight which is completely different than this so-called "ideal" weight nonsense.
Did I hit the high points?
And also, you can be fat and healthy. And we do not have an obligation to be healthy for society anyway!
Hey Brenda, how's Lucy this morning? And how are you doing?
Waits for someone else to come along to say what utter bullshit the BMI scale is, for I am weary.
Damnit, where is that "BMI=CRAP" macro when you need it?
And we do not have an obligation to be healthy for society anyway!
Well, that's not exactly true given the way insurance works.
But, yeah, BMI is bullshit. And you can be "overweight" and healthy or "thin" and unhealthy.
is a fascinating photoset about BMI on flickr. (Which I'm sure I must have gotten to from a link from a buffista in the first place!)
is a fascinating photoset about BMI on flickr.
That is made of awesome. It illustrates much better how CRAP the BMI is than my tired old rant does.
is a fascinating photoset about BMI on flickr.
so if your a women, and not tall, and happened to be well endowed, then you are obese? I liked the Karate gal that was labeled about to die, or some such. That cracked me up. Ya, BMI is out of whack. Ignore it. And Laga, I wouldn't worry too much. Not to say physical exercise couldn't help any of us, so by all means, go for it. But don't obsess.
(not here. must go to work.)