AUGH-- I hate pre-adolescent girls. Poor Abby just came home in tears because some beastly little twit on the bus was teasing her unmercifully, saying absolutely horrid things.
I did manage to calm her down and make her laugh after she told me that one of the things this kid was teasing her with was saying "You have NO life!" and I responded, "Um, Abby, baby? If this kid gets her jollies from tormenting you, who do you really think is lacking in a life?"
The "you're gay!" insult is also being hurled with typical fifth grade ignorance and abandon-- I told her to smile sweetly and say, "Why yes, I am very happy-- how kind of you to notice."
Now, I have to reassure her that no, she really doesn't have to get her brows waxed just yet and she's not in any danger of growing into a unibrow. (Yet another insult hurled by the little twit.)
I have long been of the opinion that there is no more vile a beast than the pre-adolescent girl. I say that having been a vile pre-adolescent girl.
I'm sure it will backfire on you at some point as she moves through the teen years but there is much power in the eyeroll/shoulder shrug/disinterested "whatever" response to insults.
I'm sure it will backfire on you at some point as she moves through the teen years but there is much power in the eyeroll/shoulder shrug/disinterested "whatever" response to insults.
We've been working on that one as well. I'm almost tempted to teach her the Clueless version.
Thanks Plei! I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time on Apartment Therapy.
If only I could sit on the bench with Vortex and Jessica. I just don't have the scratch to hire someone but I really, really need to spruce up the place so that I can make more money with workshops. You see the dilemma.
I really appreciate the product suggestions. That will cut down significantly on my confusion in the shops.
Since I've been here 10 years, and my landlord is a huge doof, I don't think the deposit is going to be swayed one way or the other by my painting. He's such a lout that the apartment sat empty for six YEARS while he futzed with 'renovating'. It wasn't even finished when I bullied him into letting me move in.
Now, all I have to do is figure out how, exactly, to wash a wall. Anything besides the obvious damp cloth?
Being on the second floor at a busy intersection makes for sooo much dirt and dust. It's depressing.
I'm almost tempted to teach her the Clueless version.
Oh you should! I wish someone had taught me that you don't have to act like you care even if you do when I was a kid.
Just dashing in to wish Lucy all the dog-ma in the world, and Brenda all the calm-ma. Tripod pets are the bomb diggety. You have to love their adaptability and willingness to get on with life. Things to sniff! People to love on! (or hide from, in TC's case, but still) Treats to snarf! She'll be great.
Also? I neeeeeeed me one of those underwater treadmill thingies.
sending Lucy the ma~~~
and if you have never painted -- really it won't hurt. Ok maybe your arms will get sore. Prep is a pain -- but the better you do -- the better it works I like rollers -- use a w stroke. watch for drips. and better to do three coats thinner if you are having trouble with drips. I like everything disposable -- I am not good at cleaning brushes/ rollers. If you need to put things aside --keep rollers/ brushes in ziplock bags --- they will stay damp and usable for the next day
Now, all I have to do is figure out how, exactly, to wash a wall. Anything besides the obvious damp cloth?
A mild TSP-substitute solution in warm water.
Oh you should! I wish someone had taught me that you don't have to act like you care even if you do when I was a kid.
I've been trying, but she's just such a sensitive kid and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body and so she simply doesn't grok why the little ruggers are being such beasts, hence, confusion shows all over her face, opening her up to even more torment.