Why oh why did a bee just decided to come and die on my desk?
I'm fucking terrified of them. Or any bugs. Or any bugs with wings.
I left the room and have no idea where it is now, and I have way to many papers and mess on my desk for it too hide under.
And in the meanwhile: grandfather's situation, as presumed, is getting worse. Now the doctors think the cancer got to his lungs. As I said before, they already cut half of his cancer meds out since he was hospitalized because that didn't made him feel well.
Gonna visit him tomorrow with the family.
Peace~ma for your grandfather and your whole family, Shir.
I hope it's not too difficult, Shir. You've had a lot on your plate recently.
I'm trying to keep on what's keeping me sane and happy right now, that's all. I got all the nerve wrackness one can ask for, and more, so why stick to this? Though after the phone call from my mother I really looked up at the ceiling of my room, and thought "a-ha. OK. What's next?".
Will handle tomorrow when tomorrow comes.
And then, probably, just watch Dr. Who. Can't stay grumpy in front of this.
Maybe will add ice cream to this. Humm.
Ice cream and Doctor Who, sounds like reasonable coping mechanisms.
Baked goods and Muppets clips on YouTube have been known to work for some, as well.
Ice cream and Dr. Who sounds like a lovely antidote.
We are in Budapest, having just come back from doing some last minute shopping for the niecphews, and Eureka is on our TV dubbed in German. I have a wicked cold, and my head will surely explode tomorrow on one of the three planes it's going to take to get us home. Where's Joe and his transporter when you need 'em?
Other than that, I am fat (lots of pastries, no exercise) and well rested (that is, used to a nap every day) after two weeks here and in Krakow.
Heh. Sparky, my grandfather is originally from Budapest. My grandmother was from Krakow.