you should not make dessert out of red beans - Polter-Cow
Just noticed Laura's tagline, and it explains the inadequacies of Asian desserts (outwith fresh fruit) afaic. (Well, no, okay - Indian sweets tend to be more often nut- or carrot-based, which works well. Still - traditional Thai desserts? Crap.)
Dessert should, afaic, feature flour and/or cream in order to have a hope of achieving Good Desserthood. Thus desserts which are mainly jelly and/or feature sweetcorn or beans as a major component...not so much with the yum. Not vomit-inducing, but really not in any danger of being chosen over something
Which is, of course, why Thais have not traditionally been fat bastards. They came late to the whole bakery concept. (And 9/10 of the birthday cakes my kids bring in are
Nasty fake-tasting store-bought monstrosities with 1970s margarine icing in lurid colours. Last week Bon brought in a REAL cake, baked by an actual human and decorated with fresh cream, and the kids were POLE-AXED by how yummy it was.
Sigh. Low carb? Not going so well just now...
Hey, so it'd be a bad idea to call in sick to go to an Obama event tomorrow, right?
With my luck I'd probably end up on TV. But... he's SO CLOSE! And he's such a good speaker, I wouldn't be constantly cringing!
Cheesecake filling.
Yup, that's what I'm having for breakfast. Only, I've run out of pumpkin pie yogurt, so I've gone with dark chocolate and a drizzle of honey as an accompaniment. Totally the breakfast of champions people who don't feel like making oatmeal.
Which is, of course, why Thais have not traditionally been fat bastards. They came late to the whole bakery concept. (And 9/10 of the birthday cakes my kids bring in are minging. Nasty fake-tasting store-bought monstrosities with 1970s margarine icing in lurid colours.
I don't know if its worth growing up in a land of crappy deserts to be thin.
You know how Americans are mocked for "putting ketchup on everything"? Know what I discovered when I got to Europe? A LOT of crappy ketchup. Peru also. I need to see more of the world to be sure, but I suspect we use a perfectly reasonable amount of yummy ketchup and I wouldn't be putting that crap the rest of the world seems to have on my fries either.
I wouldn't be putting that crap the rest of the world seems to have on my fries either.
Heck, no! You put mayonnaise on them.
Still - traditional Thai desserts? Crap.)
Dessert should, afaic, feature flour and/or cream in order to have a hope of achieving Good Desserthood.
Does mango and sticky rice not count? I think that's coconut milk, though. And it may be something that americans eat.
Happy Birthday to d!
Call in sick, Emily.
t /enabler
Cheese on my fries, please.
I saw yesterday that Janet Jackson was suffering from vertigo. Total poser got the idea from Teppy. How is the ear coming along?