Good news - I actually got something like 10 hours of sleep last night. Absolutely shocking after the insomnia I've been fighting lately.
Bad news - I still have a headache from hell and have work that MUST get done today.
I need some industrial sized Calgon.
Past!Kristin sucks.
Awww, give her a break. She promises to do better.
I got a call about an hour ago. A friend passed away. Cancer. She was a wonderful person. Almost a year ago, she did this.
She was 24.
This is... what it is.
Oh, Shir. I'm so sorry -- to you and her family and everyone she touched. May her memory be a blessing.
oh, Shir, I'm so sorry for your loss.
It's OK. In the "it's not really OK" sense, but you know.
This chain will stop at some point, right? It'll be nice to have a month free of funerals somewhere around February, or March.
It will stop at some point.
I'm so sorry it is happening right now.
I'm so sorry, Shir. Her artwork is amazing; I can only imagine how much more so was the person who created it.