{{{GC}}} Clomid is not fun.
In other girly news, I finally had a follow-up appointment with my new OB/GYN about the whole ruptured cyst incident. (Feel free to skip girlyparts TMI.)
His theory is that the shiny new birth control my PCP put me on last year (it's a year-round BCP, Lybrel; I should have known that no periods were too good to be true) actually caused excessive cyst growth and "breakthrough ovulation" because the hormone dosage is so low, which led to the rupture. OMGWTFPCP. First of all, who puts someone with cystic ovaries on a pill shown to cause more cysts?!? Second, I couldn't ovulate for my entire adult life, including when I was trying to get pregnant for three years and attempting to induce ovulation with Clomid, and now I'm ovulating despite birth control? OMGWTFBCP.
So the new doctor has put me on yet another BCP, this one at more moderate hormone level (anyone have experience with Loestrin 24?), and claims that it should control ovulation more effectively and reduce cysts.
I am skeptical about how he's going to measure its success. He seems to think that so long as I'm getting a period every month on this new BCP, all will be well. Well, see, I got a period on my old BCPs back before the initial PCOS diagnosis, and I still had cystic ovaries. Unless he's going to do a follow-up ultrasound, I'm not going to feel as confident that I won't end up back in the ER at some point. We shall see.
The good (?) news is that he seems to think that my response to the Lybrel indicates that my body has changed in the six years since my initial infertility experience, and it is possible that I might actually be able to get pregnant at some point in the future. No guarantees, but it looks a bit more possible than it has in the past. I don't know how to feel about that (lots of baggage there), so I'm just going to set it aside in a "I'll process that later" pile.
(Have I mentioned how much I love my Bitches? I've been wanting to talk about this with someone for a week.)
ETA: This post brought to you by anagrams.
ETA2: Oh Trudy, that's wonderful news!