I'm alone at home right now.
Windsparrow was supposed to have an easy day today, 5 hours. In at four, out at 9 pm.
After she left for work I hung around home on my one day off this week and then went out for a bit. I came back home around 7 Pm to find her car out front of our house. I was all OMGWTFBBQ!?
Turns out she was home early, sleeping because the overnight person called in sick. She had to go back tonight at 10 pm and will work until 11am tomorrow morning.
[ETA: except she couldn't sleep, so we watched two more episodes of The Middleman, so that was OK. Just no sleep]
It's bad enough I sleep in our empty house, but having her pull an out of sync shift, and a 13 hour one to boot?
I won't see her now until I get home from work tomorrow night.
Have good sleep when you get home, milady.