"That's interesting. You don't see too many white women in math. Most women in math are Asian. And do you know why? They get their periods later, and so their mathematical ability keeps developing for longer. You must have gotten your period much later than your friends, right?"
Did he also believe that if you played sports your uterus Holy Incubator would fall out? And that women are should be isolated from the tribe during That Time because they're Unclean?
Yay for fun making out in alleys!
Thank god, cause that's DISGUSTING. And you are SUPER HOT. And I am nto even drunk anymore.
Hee. Thanks, and back atcha.
Speaking of random makeouts, talked to a certain mohawked boy on the phone last night. He's back in the land of cellphone coverage, and super broke. But brought up road-tripping to see me over winter break! That could be fun...
(Although I have made out in an alley before. But not in a long time! I have...um...standards? Yeah, that was weak even to me.)
God, but my life's been vanilla as hell.
Holy carp1 I thought the therapist who used to fall asleep while I was talking was bad!
I LOVE Chess-- although somehow I missed that the composers were the guys from ABBA, and spent many years trying to figure out why the music sounded so familiar! I also love Tim Rice almost as much as I sort of dislike Andrew Lloyd Webber- I think it was Tim Rice who made Evita and JCS so brilliant.
Good God there are some bad doctors in the world. Yeesh.
Today we are going to find pants for DF to wear to our wedding (Thursday!!!), buy fish tank supplies, hang pictures, and play some Wii. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
Yesterday DF cleaned the fish tank (EW), I got a pedicure, Brinks came to change the alarm battery, and we watched bad DVDs from Netflix (Dante's Cove - so bad it's good).
I have not made out in an alley, that I can recall. At various bars and clubs, and outside same, yes. We don't really have that many alleys, down here.
Well, the alley is basically the outside of the club. It's not as alley-esque as most alleys.
Now if I could just figure out why I seem to have a bruise on my chin...I do remember falling down at the club (turns out the mirrored wall? Only went halfway down and then there was a curtain! Oops. Bad surprise for the drunk girl!), but I don't remember hitting my CHIN! I just remember ending up sitting on the floor suddenly. Um.
A Hell's Angel once wanted to take me out on his bike. He had "Lurch" tattooed on his arm and was about seven feet tall. I said, um, no thanks.
That's about as adventurous as my sex life ever got.
Maybe you bruised your chin making out? It could happen!
Ok, must go to store and wallyworld before am more faint with hunger. Think I may come back with some French toast fixings -- thanks, Barb, for making me want breakfast!