Andi, a girl in my office has been making these recently and bringing them in, and they're really quite delicious if you're looking for new things to try out.
Crossant Cheesecake recipe
You will need:
2 rolls of Pillsbury reduced fat crescent rolls
2 (8oz) packs of reduced fat Philadelphia cream cheese
11/2 tsp of vanilla extract
1 egg
¾ a cup of slenda or 1 cup of sugar
Topping: v
2 tbsp of smart balance butter spread
1 tsp of cinnamon
¼ cup of splenda or ½ cup of sugar
Pre-heat oven to 350
Grease a 9x13 pan and roll out one of the crescent rolls on the bottom of the pan. Mix together the cream cheese, egg, vanilla and slenda (sugar) and spread over the bottom layer crescent roll. Place the other crescent roll on top of the cheesecake mixture.
Melt the smart balance butter and spoon evenly over the top of the cheesecake. Mix together the splenda (sugar) and cinnamon and sprinkle evenly over the cheesecake. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let cool for 30 minutes. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.
I just had a memory flash - my dad used to put a slice of cheese on his apple pie while it was still hot enough to melt the cheese. Is that a Southern thing, or was the old man just bonkers?
My grandmother used to have cheddar cheese on apple pie, and she was a New Englander.
Canadians (and some others I disremember) eat apple pie with cheese but not melted.
Southern thing, and it's quite good. I had a friend whose dad put gravy on chocolate cake. He was southern too, but that was just bonkers.
eta: heh. I'm proven wrong. It's just a thing, not particularly southern. Still good.
Canadians (and some others I disremember) eat apple pie with cheese but not melted.
And no matter WHAT my parents say, it is STILL WRONG.
(I grew up hearing "Apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze!" on a regular basis. I hated cheese as a little kid, though I came to appreciate it later in life. But I maintain that the pie/cheese shippers are WRONG like wrong things.)
Warm New England apple pie needs a hunk of unmelted extra sharp Vermont cheddar cheese or it can not truly claim the title of Pie.
Also, many hugs to Tep and Deena and Shir and anyone else who needs them. Me, I'm currently regaining the title of queen insomniac (for the night, anyway). I took half an ambien an hour ago when it became clear I needed something but was too far into the sleep window to take a whole. The result? Partly functional, partly dopey Kristin who is still awake. Argh. Now I am awake and rather useless. How is this an improvment, exactly? Thank the gods for iPhone auto correct or this message would make a lot less sense.
I know I should put the phone down and try to sleep again, but I'm worried I'm even going to be able to drag myself out of bed in 4 hours. Have mentioned that I hate insomnia? And being slightly drugged for no useful reason?
Decaf coffee:
OMG I am dead from lethal Emeline cuteness! That outfit
I think she should wear it to school tomorrow. I'm helpful like that.
Canadians (and some others I disremember) eat apple pie with cheese but not melted.
Also people from the North of England. Yum! We like cheese with Christmas Cake too, and with (sweet) Mince Pie.
I am a cheese/pie shipper, and proud of it! Go Chie! Or possibly Peese!
(...god, I hate portmanteaux. It was almost painful to write those.)
I'm not asleep, either. I've been on a weird sleep schedule this weekend, and I think that sleep tonight just isn't going to happen.
Just did a bunch of my PT exercises for my hip, because I've been neglecting that lately and that's not a good idea. Jumping right back into a full routine after being lazy for a while isn't such a good idea either, it seems. Wow, that hurt.