Teppy, do you have any Dramamine handy? I know that a couple of times Lewis has been hit with vertigo and someone suggested Dramamine
My internet research and self-diagnosis suggested dramamine for vertigo, but I have none. It also suggested benadryl and ativan (not together), both of which I have. I took one (1) benadryl about 2 hours ago, with no real improvement. I'll probably take another in a little bit to see if a larger dose helps, since you can take 2 together with no problem other than sleepiness.
I'm just pissed because this is a gorgeous fall day, sunny and 75 with no humidity and a slight breeze -- and I'm stuck in bed because moving makes bad things happen.
This is why he's on so many samples, because the insurance companies don't want him taking the expensive drugs that work, they want him to run through all the other drugs that don't work first.
My dad's cardiologists routinely pack up bags of samples for many of their patients who are in the same situation -- either their insurance won't approve the newer (effective) drugs, or they just can't afford them (Plavix, I am looking at you).
Every month, the receptionist just calls the patients and tells them when their bag o' drugs is ready. Every month. That impresses me so much, that they give that much of a damn about *true* patient care, that they have a list of who gets which samples, and they bag them up every month and then call the patients to come pick them up. That's awesome.
Hubby has to call every month. But he gets them. So it's good.
But he gets them. So it's good.
See, that's actual patient care. That's the way it should be.
Thanks, Shir! Sympathy always helps.
I love the samples, but your Dad's cardiologist is the awesome, Steph.
your Dad's cardiologist is the awesome, Steph.
She kicks ass. And is brilliant. And looks kind of like Charisma Carpenter. I told Dad to marry her.
(He didn't.)
Steph, I had an attack of vertigo about two weeks ago that seemed to be due to a sinus infection. My ear on one side was completely stuffed up, but as it went on, I could also feel pressure in my sinuses. I took some Sudafed and it helped. It was a very weird sensation and concentrating on the computer made it worse.
(((Teppy))) The benadryl will eventually help a clogged ear if you keep taking it. Keep using the ear wax stuff too, even if it hasn't helped yet.
(((Deena))) I'm sorry you had to deal with that with the pharmacy.
Ugh, Deena, I'm sorry.
The insurance company had denied it.
OMG, I hate that! Hubby keeps wanting to sue them for practicing medicine without a license, for second guessing the doctors.
Heh. The short-tempered but frequently awesome nurse with whom I work spent Friday afternoon yelling almost those very words at some insurance company middle management functionary. After a lengthy hold and lengthier back-and-forth about some expensive but worky drug, she yelled, "Goddamnit, you're practicing medicine without a license and I hope someone sues you...YES, YOU ARE. The doctor knows his patient and knows what works and what doesn't, and he isn't picking a drug out of a hat, and when you second-guess him and deny it you're practicing medicine. And you don't have any idea what you're doing, and you need to stop."
Bless her.
Went to the doctor, and she pulled out a ball of wax at least an inch in diameter.
I had the earwax thing when I was a kid, too. It was probably only half an inch though. The doctor used a tool that looked like eye end of a big needle. The was was a really dark color, and the ball of wax was hard.