Vertigo's not good! I hope you're feeling better soon, Teppy.
I get slight vertigo (well, dizzy spells) when I get really strong feelings of deja vu, which happens a few times a year. For as much as I'm a skeptic about certain things, I think I've got some minor precognition going on, because I've experienced deja vu occasionally my entire life, when the rewind feeling is so strong I can quote what someone's going to say as they say it. It's really bizarre.
Oh, and gas here in Chicagoland just went below $3.90 for the first time since spring.
Vertigo sounds really scary to me. I'd like things not to move around me much.
Good luck.
Hec's suggestion sounds rational.
I'm not trying to be difficult or a whiner, but the earwax removal stuff didn't remove anything. I'd be thrilled if it did.
Ah well. All I can do is hang out and wait until I can see the doctor tomorrow.
I'm sorry you are feeling cruddy, Teppy. Vertigo is no joke. It's too bad you got no results from the ear wax business.
Teppy, do you have any Dramamine handy? I know that a couple of times Lewis has been hit with vertigo and someone suggested Dramamine, which sounded completely bass-ackwards, but oddly, it helped.
I'm not trying to be difficult or a whiner, but the earwax removal stuff didn't remove anything. I'd be thrilled if it did.
It might take multiple applications to soften it and flush it out. I'm sure you've tried several times, but when the earwax gets big enough to block the ear canal it doesn't come out readily.
I really think that's what's happening since you can't hear and you're having vertigo issues. With an infection you'd be feeling pain in there.
You might have to see an Ear-Nose-Throat doctor to get a hardcore removal though.
Sorry to hear about the vertigo, Tep. The earwax removal stuff is often just a peroxide and water mix. A little stronger, like half and half, poured into an ear and left there for a bit (perhaps using warm water), can sometimes help. Since this is a new thing, though, I'd be thinking infection too. I hope something works.
Timelies. I hope everyone's otherwise having a peachy day.
Also my Mom is a long time vertigo sufferer. Dramamine does help her.
Oh, I wanted to say - I was reading something like 300+ posts of Bitches at work today.
And your whole drug conversation was SUCH an important thing (just for reference: I'm coming from the very Straight-Edge-control-freaky of the rainbow, but it's getting better. I now take something against headaches and not spending a whole day going "oh, this will go away at a certain point. You don't really need anything"). I learned a lot, and God, I wish there was an easier solution to people with health problem who needs the big drugs. I had no idea that U.S. is that extreme with its policy: I only remembered, when I packed drugs to my U.S. trip, I had to ditch some that are very common in Israel, because after their exp. date they turns into morphine.
So thank you all.
Edit to move to proper thread. Oops!