I don't think it's the disc. Thanks, though. It's happened with a few different discs. Usually, hitting pause, then rewinding for a few seconds and then playing again will fix it, but this time, nothing is working.
This is a dual DVD/VCR, and lately, neither side has been working right. The VCR has been refusing to eject tapes -- it'll push the tape out, and then a second later, pull it back in. The only way to actually get a tape out is to grab it in the second that it's out, and then hold on while the VCR tries to pull it back in. Also, for some reason, the power button isn't working -- every time I turn it off, it turns back on a second later.
My mom was asking me a little while ago what I wanted for my birthday. I think I might be asking for a new DVD player. (What I really want is a digital SLR, but that's way to expensive for a birthday that's not a round number. So, either wait two more years for 30 (yikes!), or maybe it could be for graduation. Getting a doctorate deserves a digital SLR, right?)
Gas prices dropped to $2.999 in some parts of Minnesota today.
We're down to $3.54 some places. Better than it was, but not as nice as $2.99! Who would have thought even two years ago that I'd consider $2.99 a bargain?
Yesterday I was totally excited to see that the cheapest station in SF is down to $3.69.
No, wait. I misremembered.
Map of gasoline prices by county across the US: [link]
Pretty colors. Interesting patterns.
Why are gas prices in New Jersey always cheaper than the surrounding states? It's pretty much always been that way, and I could never figure out why, especially since New Jersey mandates full-service gas stations, which you'd think would push the prices up.
Paging Jen (who I still think of as Jen K)!!!
I know you check in here rarely, but if you see this, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on the vestibular disorder you had last year (or the year before)?
I woke up this morning with vertigo so intense that I can't (that is, don't *want* to) even move my head. Seriously, you guys, I've never experienced anything like this. It's not like when you drink too much booze and get the spins; this is about 100 times worse than that. I can't get out of bed. Like I said, I don't want to even move my head. Any movement triggers vertigo so severe that I feel like I'm swinging and falling and spinning and cut loose into space.
My right ear is all blocked, too, so I assume it's all of a piece, though I suppose it wouldn't necessarily have to be so. Obviously I'm calling my doctor the minute they open tomorrow, but this shit is FREAKING ME OUT. I wish I could do something, or take something, or sacrifice a gourd to the inner-ear god.
It's really awful. I can use the laptop as long as I don't move my head. Which works, though not for long periods of time. So I'm looking on www.vestibular.org to see what could be occurring in my inner ear. But for some reason I remembered Jen having a vestibular problem a while ago, and I was just hoping for some first-hand insight.
Anyone else with severe vertigo? Vestibular disorders? Please fill me with reassurances that I won't be dizzy for the rest of my life.
Steph, have you started any new meds recently? I got severe vertigo a few years ago as a reaction to an NSAID, when my doctor switched me off Celebrex because of the cardiac issues. It went away within a few days after switch to a different drug.