When I was getting an upper respiratory infection every winter, I could have written the prescription myself, if it had been legal.
The zoloft seems to be helping with my insomnia, in that it's easier for me to fall asleep when my shoulders aren't tensed up to my ears. But the zoloft/benedryl combo I found myself on when my allergies acted up a week or two ago--that really knocks me out. I was sleepy with benedryl before, but now it's like a hammer to the back of my skull. My doctor says it won't hurt me, at least as long as I take it when I'm going to be sleeping anyway.
So, I'm writing an e-mail to my brother. His wife e-mailed me at 12:14 a.m. to find out "why the hell" I was still up (I had responded to the evite they sent out for my nephew's birthday). It was really hard not to tell her, "Because your husband pissed me off, and now I have to calm down."
My father has recommended that I e-mail him over this because my brother apparently needs even further education on the issue. I told my dad this morning that I have little hope of major bipartisan change when my own brother (and we get along incredibly well as a family...it really amazes me sometimes) cannot come to terms with the reality of my situation and continues to say insensitive and hurtful things about the people getting handouts and taking the government's (and therefore the taxpayer's) money.
My father has recommended that I e-mail him over this because my brother apparently needs even further education on the issue
I was going to say the same. Arguing in facebook status comments is probably not the way to go but reminding him that he should think before he says stuff is necessary indeed.
What do we think of this? (I will delete in a bit)
Edited: Deleted. Thanks, guys!
I think that's an excellent letter, vw. I still kinda wanna smack your brother with a clue-by-four, though.
Seriously, talk about compartmentalization!
I think it's a good letter.
I feel like a total druggie because it felt like none of my friends had heard of it. I'm like "SPECIAL K! THE K HOLE!"
I'd heard of it when it was used for my c-section, but I have no idea from where. Possibly House.
I wasn't sure if she was saying "Some of my best friends are gay" OR "some of my best friends are homophobes."
Maybe both! Tee-hee
t wink
(Grr. Palin make Jess ANGRY. Jess SMASH.)
They were saying on NPR last night that many times Sarah Palin responded with sloganeering or answering the questions she wished they had asked, rather than the ones asked.
In other words, sticking to the answers she had memorized, with little extemporaneous remarks.
Can Sarah Palin say the word "maverick" more? I keep expecting James Garner to come onscreen and tell her to stop.
Sarah Palin seems to think she is the second coming of Ronald Reagan.
And she likes to attribute quotes to him that did not originate with him, which I find absolutely fascinating.