I get that student once in a while and my reaction is always "oh good, so we both agree your work sucks and you could do better if you gave half a shit. Fine with me. Doesn't change your grade, BTW, but I hope it makes you feel better about it. It certainly makes me feel better about giving it to you."
Burrell is my hero.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with that crap, Hil. What a little shit.
What is this with high school teachers running fevers? I think it should stop.
I agree. This bug is running rampant through the school right now. It starts with a sore throat; then the sneezy, sniffly comes, then the fever. And the fever lingers forever. Very annoying.
Andi, I'm sorry about the asshat.
Yay Erin and Deena back on the intertubes!
But, it adds more than doubles my travel time. It can be done, but am I that invested?
Hm, Vortex, not sure. I don't think I would be.
Pix, did you make it home ok? Put your feet up. Make the puppy cook you dinner for a change tonight. And those cute kittens can mix some drinks for you.
Aw, you're sweet. I am home safe. The animals aren't doing so great with the feeding me thing, but I have broken down an ordered a pizza. Next best thing.
The animals aren't doing so great with the feeding me thing, but I have broken down an ordered a pizza.
I bought all the fixings for chili today, and then gave in and ordered Chinese food. Three nights of practically no sleep means I probably shouldn't be using sharp knives or the stove.
mmmm pizza. Make them free loading animals pay for it.
I'm very proud of myself. Even tho my Yankees failed to make post seaon, I'm watching baseball. Let's go Angels! Dunno who to cheer for on the NL. LA vs Cubbies. LA has Torre, and are my passive NL team. But the Cubbies in post season!! Tough call. Eh, as long as Boston doesn't make it.
but the stove was on 450F.
I'm prety sure if I had apan of water on that burner it would have started to bubble, and it could have melted plastic and maybe burned paper it was so hot in that area.
"Just...one...more...degree... There!" {Whoosh!}
Oh sj, I was so sorry to hear about your car and other life frustrations. I'm gad you're treating yourself with Chinese.
I agree. This bug is running rampant through the school right now. It starts with a sore throat; then the sneezy, sniffly comes, then the fever. And the fever lingers forever. Very annoying.
I'm at the sore throat/ tired-nottired stage. bah
wow.I was a lazy student.In some cases I thought I was smarter than the teacher. But I was smart enough never to say so.
and thanks barb. that was really funny
My leg is hurting -- a weird muscle pain in my thigh, not like any pain I'm used to. I've been watching House all afternoon, so it's freaking me out.
Mmm, pizza.
Hee. I've been Buff-diving and came across one of my all-time favorite quotes from Aims:
my bobbes were uncle discussing my gauchos. I'm not kidding. It's tripoli crazy because I haven't work any in YONKS.
That will never not be funny.
Oh sj, I was so sorry to hear about your car and other life frustrations. I'm gad you're treating yourself with Chinese.
Thanks. It's ok really. I just need sleep and everything else won't seem so difficult, and I plan on sleeping as soon as this baseball game ends.
But he came back with "I thought you (all) would appreciate my observations."
My brain is melting and draining out my ears with the effort to not pick his observations apart with respect to their logical relationship, or lack thereof, to the original post.
How wrong would it be for me to reply that on second thought I do appreciate his thoughts, and would like to continue the dialog, so long as he does not mind me mocking him mercilessly across the internet? Very wrong?
See, I think that I
get all trolly on his arse, myself, and shred his argument, and generally be the mean kid.
Ditto Hil's idiot student.
Cute Fay's Student moment:
during papier mache making activity
TinyWeeAmericanBoy (looking at bit of newspaper about to be dunked in glue): Hey! This guy is trying to be the new American President!
Fay: Oh! (stares at old white guy) Is that Mr McCain?
TWAB: Yes!
Fay: I prefer Mr Obama.
TWAB: Me too! (dunks paper in glue and slaps it on his balloon with gusto)