Toddlers and babies have hair-trigger gag reflexes, so it's not unusual for a young kid to be able to cry hard enough to vomit. (Probably an evolutionary countermeasure to the otherwise suicidal "Ooh, something on the floor - I wonder what it tastes like!" curiosity of that age.)
Please don't take this as me being a smart-ass, but because I took calc in high school, this section of the material is just all review for me.
"Please don't take this as me being a smart-ass, but because I'm the teacher, YOU FAIL."
"This is review for me, and therefore I feel I am completely justified in snarking on the fucking teacher even though I still can't DO IT, though I have studied it twice. P.S. Don't teach stuff I am not interested in in, because as many times as I am taught it, I will not pay attention and it is ALL YOUR FAULT, you big meanie. P.P.S. Please don't take this THW WRONG WAY. Love, Dumbass"
Honestly, Hil, I would be so pissed..."So if it's all review, why can't you do it? Moron. Zero credit. And I don't think you were being a smart-ass at all; that would imply intelligence. No love, Teach."
Please don't take this as me being a smart-ass, but because I took calc in high school, this section of the material is just all review for me.
"Please don't take this as me being a smart-ass, but because I'm the teacher, YOU FAIL."
Jess beat me to it. Cripes, Hil, I'd get out the +100 Red Pen of Grading for that one.
Yes, zero credit on that question. Also, zero credit on the several other questions he got wrong.
"Dear Student, Your ass? Not so much with the smart."
Holy crap, Barb, that is the funniest thing I have seen in my life.
Heh, glad you enjoyed. I love hearing Tennant get his Scottish on.
Oh! Thanks for reminding me. I listened and laughed, and then Greg had to ask what I was doing, and then turned my monitor around and replayed it... so I'm sitting here twiddling my fingers. I didn't mind, though, it was very funny. Thanks for the link, Barb.
Yeah, I completely don't understand the logic in that answer. You've already studied it, and so you don't know it? (This is material that high school calculus teachers frequently skip or just go through quickly, so I'm guessing he's concluding, "We didn't study it in high school calc, and thus it's not important.")
I get to go snuggle a newborn tomorrow morning. I can't wait. I have a pirate gift bag full of baby goodies waiting by the door.