What is this with high school teachers running fevers? I think it should stop.
cuz all children are walking petri dishes full of evil nasty bugs.
NoiseDesign, good to see your still alive. How goes the haunt?
Pix, did you make it home ok? Put your feet up. Make the puppy cook you dinner for a change tonight. And those cute kittens can mix some drinks for you.
Laga, how did you on the show? Or can you not say?
There was more, but alas, I can't recall. I must cook some food. Hungry. Tired. I'm thinking Garlic Chicken stir-fry. nom nom nom.
The intertubes is working for me! Yay!
It's been down for about 4 days, which is actually ok, because for the last 3, I have been a zonkified snot-machine. I think I am now qualified for English ex-pat dom, because I went through (seriously) 3 boxes of loose-leaf in the last 4 days. That, a whole damn pot of mulled wine (hey, lots of oranges and lemons --- it was medicinal and I didn't even get tipsy -- just warm) and chicken broth with garlic, is all I've ingested. Every damn tea and coffee mug in the house is dirty with dregs of pepper, garlic, Tazo Passion, burgundy-tinged orange slices and Irish Breakfast.
But I feel better, which is good, because I can now clean. Joy. Not that I'm cleaning, because that would be non-therapeutic and clearly insane. Instead, I'm catching up on Palin-snark, because that is so much better for my health. NSM.
Does anyone know that if you pick up one of those Shower Soother disintegrating camphor thingies in the shower when it's melting, it kinda BURNS? Like a UTI of the fingers? Weird.
My cats are snorgling on a towel on the couch. So cute, the snorgle.
Ahem. I may still be kinda looped and out of it.
The holidays are over!
And now it's back to work for me.
Maybe I should have gone to medical school instead. Doctors don't have to write dissertations. And they get to help people.
But doctor have to deal with vomit and poop. Only reason I didn't become one.
Eh. I can deal with vomit and poop. I once babysat a two-year-old who'd make himself vomit when he wanted his mother to come home. (It worked the first time -- he got sick, I cleaned it up and settled him down with a blanket and a bottle of diluted apple juice and called his mother, and she came home. After that, we figured out what was going on, but it took about five more times before he realized that vomiting wouldn't get his mom to come home anymore. I'm not quite sure how he was doing it, but he would be crying, then look at me, then do some sort of weird breathing thing, and then he'd be throwing up.)
I think this might be asshole-speak for "I'm sorry." Part of me thinks you should take the high road and just block his email address.
Oh, I'm sure that it is. I hate apologies that are not apologies. They are so fucking entitled. Rather, they come from people who think they are.
Damn, Hil. That's a talent. I'm not sure it's a talent that goes too much beyond age two (and/or college), but during its lifespan it's impressive.
Feh. Went to pick up my skirt that I was having altered, totally didn't think about the fact that they closed at 7. At least it occurred to me in the car so that it wasn't a shock when i got there. I'm trying to decide if I care enough to pick it up before my trip tomorrow. But, it adds more than doubles my travel time. It can be done, but am I that invested?
Holy crap, Barb, that is the funniest thing I have seen in my life.
I had a kid I babysat who would get so upset that he'd vomit. That was fun. Most of the time I could distract him out of it. Thankfully.