I have no fever. I DO have a student who believes fervently that the country is being robbed of hundreds of millions of dollars by people with twenty kids on welfare, and that if people don't find a job they should be deported. He suggested sending them to Russia. May have raised my temperature a bit.
::fans Emily and fixes her a soothing mint julep::
Oooh... sounds good. Think I'll take myself home and have a ginger wine and vodka tonic.
Dude, I feel contaminated now, reading that *you* heard that. The stupid of that is painful.
I am very tired. Also annoyed at things and happy about other things that I read, but that was this morning, and then I took a nap, and now I've forgotten what they are, except that Daniel is a very good boyfriend. (Dollar stores often have whirligigs!)
Greg and I went to Context 21 this last weekend and sent the kids to stay with Nick. The guy creating the schedule had multiple bad things happen and handed it off to another guy. There were no people on several panels, and so I said I would help and to put me wherever. I ended up on 4 panels. I also seemed to have been the only one who did much research on those panels. The first one was me telling people how to build their own websites, but the AV equipment was down, so I couldn't show them. Then there was "genre labels" (BAD! no GOOD!), for which 7 people eventually showed up. Then there was "Working with Small Press Publishers" which ended up being a platform for one of the publishers to tell everyone to make their own small press and publish their own work themselves. That was ... interesting. Then, Sunday morning, was "Christianity and Horror" which was supposed to be about horror tropes ganked from religion, but ended up being more about "demons are real; ask me how."
When we got back to Nick's at about 7:00pm Sunday night, Aidan had a fever and Kara was starving because she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Big brother had them on the rock star life plan.
I've been recovering ever since.
{{{Deena}}} I hope you and the kids feel better soon.
{{{All the other sickies today}}}
Oh lawd Deena. What a trooper you are. I hope you were properly thanked. Sheesh.
Deena, you are so amazingly gracious and awesome. Seriously. I hope you feel better soon!
dear fevers: cut it out, mkay?
Do I recall correctly that I can use olive oil to remove mascara or did I dream that? I don't have any cold cream.