I have to spend a depressing amount of time explaining to professors why I won't have a book scanned for their students.
You could always say "Shall I start with yours, it will save your students $_ _.__ each semester?". I recall one prof in undergrad that had his book assigned every class every semester, and damn if he didn't do updates to the thing every other year or so, so you HAD to buy it again (I didn't. It was my minor, not major. Plus, he annoyed me, so why should I fund his boat?)
ION, I love it when I am running almost late, and hurry into the meeting with one minute to spare, and find I'm the first to arrive. DUDES! I'm the SOUND GUY. We are notorious for NOT being morning people, and yet, I'm the first? Crazy I say. Hopefully it resulted in brownie points with director and boss.
I am on day 1.5 of a 3 day training session for a process I'm only going to need to be familiar with, not acutal using. Send help!
Dear My Left Leg,
The knee was just about feeling OK (not 100%, but close enough to feel almost normal again). Whyfor does the ankle now need to start acting like a cranky bitch? Also, who knew that prescription ibuprofen could give you medicine head? This is making the training that much harder to deal with; I'd rather just be off the stuff.
No Love,
Cheerios smell funny.
Because they're made by clowns?
I recall one prof in undergrad that had his book assigned every class every semester, and damn if he didn't do updates to the thing every other year or so, so you HAD to buy it again (I didn't. It was my minor, not major. Plus, he annoyed me, so why should I fund his boat?)
I once had to buy a book for a class taught by the book's author. What were we reading?
The introduction.
His excuse was that his book was used in other classes, so you'd have to buy it eventually.
he ... our publications person was out last week and someone wanted to buy a special set of two compilations of short publications in electronic format; the description specifically says that the files are on CDs. It took some working out because they wanted to be invoiced for it. So I worked it out, sent them a PDF of the invoice, and a note that I'd be sending them the info. About 15 minutes later I got another e-mail saying they were looking for their downloads and where were they - they wanted them right now.
oh my ... I'm joining in the Keith Olbermann love, although I can only see him on the internets. This includes a Monty Python shout-out.
Keith loves Python in an unholy fashion.
It's not every man who can quote Churchill and Ted Baxter and still sound natural, either.
P.S. Check out the Special Comments.
erika, I saw that Ted Baxter/BO'R thing last night and it cracked me up!