Sean, do take care of yourself - your exhausting yourself to be with S. won't do anything for her and will hurt you. Take some time, eat something healthy and/or yummy, maybe just sit in the sun for a little while.
GG, I feel for your students. I would, however, advise caution in helping them. It sounds like you're in a place where children are still largely regarded as their parents' property; interfering - even if it's to help the child - could cause problems if they took it amiss. If there isn't anyone else to take the verbal abuse seriously, offer the kid sympathy and emotional support. Just make sure you don't do anything that the whacko mother might see as trying to take away her chew toy.
Ow. Ow, ow, ow, ow.
Woken up this morning by the headache from hell.
The school psychologist just told her she couldn't dwell on the past as it "wasn't healthy", then called her mom to try to verify some of things. Mom talked a smooth like and the girl got in trouble when she got home for "talking to people and being a drama queen."
Oh dear lord. I had a friend in HS who, along with her two siblings, had a sit-down with the school shrink to talk about their Father getting drunk and hitting them. Their Father was then WALKED INTO THE ROOM so he could be asked about what they said. All five of them had a nice productive discussion. Three of them got smacked around when they got home.
The mom also keeps saying she is going to have the girl emancipated and be done with her.
I don't think you can do that
someone, can you?
That poor girl.
Trudy, I know there are things parents can do to essentially shed a troublesome kid. In NJ it was a PINS order - person in need of supervision. I think it involves handing custody/guardianship over to the state.
I'm pre-coffee. That makes sense.
That chick in Florida is PISSING ME OFF
Sean, take care of yourself.
One of our librarians has left her position here, and I am now finding out all the things she was doing for professors that she SHOULD NOT have been doing. I've written about half a dozen professors the sweetest, "sorry, as per our written policy sent by BigBoss, we don't do that for you" messages in the past two days, and it's making me cranky.
{{{Sean}}} Hang in there, you. We're all behind you.
I just got some very good news. The Honors Department has determined that my difficulty with Spanish is directly related to my disability, and they are waiving my language requirement (the university requires 1 year of language; the honors department requires 2. I've met the university requirement). I cannot even begin to tell you how relieved I am. I'm gonna go home and write the e-mail to my prof saying that I'm dropping the class. This is such a HUGE weight lifted.
I just got some very good news. The Honors Department has determined that my difficulty with Spanish is directly related to my disability, and they are waiving my language requirement (the university requires 1 year of language; the honors department requires 2. I've met the university requirement). I cannot even begin to tell you how relieved I am. I'm gonna go home and write the e-mail to my prof saying that I'm dropping the class. This is such a HUGE weight lifted.
Woo Hoo!!! I'm so happy for you.
Yay vw! I'm glad for you. sj, I was glad to read about the good news from you as well.
Thanks, Shir. It's nice to see you posting in Bitches.