S's truck is blowing oil smoke like crazy, and had been making a nasty rattling noise on the trip. I think she's got a blown gasket.
Sean, if you need to borrow the Diablo Sound truck for a few days to get around, you are welcome to. Just let me know and I'll let our housesitter know to not worry that it's gone. The gas mileage on the truck sucks, but it's reliable.
Thanks, Drew.
IOnotsomuchabout*me*N.... This Russia/Georgia thing is
really freaking me out.
It's kind of bad news. The Russians are using a huge show of force, and that stretch of land that Georgia occupies? Go look at a globe. You know what lies on the other side of that? Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Isreal, and the rest of the Arabian peninsula.
Not to be too alarmist or anything....
Happy Birthday, Aims!!!
Glad you got home safe, Sean. That sounded like scary shit.
I'm hungry, and there's no food in the house. I don't want to go out, but I don't know what I'd want to order out, either. And the only thing I have is a $100 bill. Feh.
Popping in very briefly and just under the wire to wish the Empress a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it was tons of fun.
I had a Braun stick blender and loved it until it burned out. As did the replacement.
I might have loved it when it was working, but I can't stay in an abusive relationship with an appliance.
I might have loved it when it was working, but I can't stay in an abusive relationship with an appliance.
Where is Super Porny Pants when you need her?