Conversations one doesn't particularly expect/relish during lunch duty in the playground:
(Mark, who's about 10 or so, is a wee bit on the SEN side, although I'm not sure quite what flavour. I'm thinking autistic spectrum? Maybe? Bright kid, socially awkward...anyway, whatever.)
Mark (who has been grilling me on music of the 50s, 60s & 80s, with particular attention to jazz): So what movies do you like? Do you like Doris Day movies?
Me: Yes! Yes, I've seen lots of Doris Day movies.
Mark: Like Pillow Talk? With Rock Hudson?
Me: Yes, I like that one.
Mark: Rock Hudson is dead. He died of AIDS. Was he a gay?!?!!
Me: Yes.
thinks: Oh, fuck. Hang on. Impulse to straight-talking may get me in trouble shortly.
Mark: Why do gays get AIDS?
thinks: this really is not the moment to start talking about the relative merits of anal versus vaginal sex. Even though that seems like the obvious answer. Because I do not teach this year group, and I don't have a clue what the policies are on sex ed [although I know they've been doing sex ed, which I suspect may be connected with Mark's train of thought]. Run away! Run away!
Me: Well, there are lots of ways people can catch diseases. With HIV, which is what causes AIDS, it's transmitted through bodily fluids. So if you got someone else's blood mixed with yours, for example - people can get HIV through getting a blood transfusion that's infected.
Mark: Or through sex.
Me: Er. Yes, that too.
Mark: So we have to be careful when we have sex!
Me: Yes.
(bulldozing ahead, cheerfully)
There's lots of ways of getting diseases - like when I was bitten by a dog, I could have been infected with rabies or something else, so I had to have lots of shots.
Mark: Hmm.
Random Small Kid: Miss Fay! Atman hit me!
Me: Oh, thank God. Coming! Bye, Mark!
exit Miss Fay stage left, pursued by a bear. A big gay leather-daddy bear.
Aw, kids. My friend Elaine recently had one of her six year olds ask her what the difference between a transvestite and a transexual was.
Hee, guess I got off lucky with the kid questions. The most awkward stuff I get are hippie of the 60s drug type questions.
Good to hear that you survived work, Daniel. Rapid healing thoughts.
And off to drive to school... I did exercise in the pool at 6:30am. New plan day one.
Thank you Trudy!
Also... Royal Classy Caps!?!
Mark, who's about 10 or so, is a wee bit on the SEN side
What does SEN stand for? I gather, from context, that it's a behavioral/neurobiological thing, but I can't parse what the abbreviation maps to.
And off to drive to school... I did exercise in the pool at 6:30am. New plan day one.
Ugh. I'm on 4 10-hour days now that I'm back to a 40-hour week, so I'm up earlier than I think is right and proper. I have to roll out the door by 7:45 to get to work by 8:15, and then I work until 6:15. It'll be an adjustment, I'm sure; the hardest part about *today* is that I also have writing class at 7:00, so there's not point in going home after work; I'm just going straight from work, and then class until 9:00, and then home by 9:30. THAT will be a fucking long day.
Also... Royal Classy Caps!?!
They're the classiest! (Hey, if that isn't their slogan, it *should* be....)
Dear God. I already need more coffee.
Eeep. Yes, extra coffee this morning. I don't bother with coffee until I get to the office, but that is a couple hours after I am up and at 'em.
4x10 is tough, but 3 days off, not so tough. It's good to have a week day to get stuff done for yourself.
OK, I guess I have to Google Royal Classy Caps.
4x10 is tough, but 3 days off, not so tough.
If you only spend one day in bed recovering from the tough work week, it's works out pretty well. Two 16 hour days plus a 6.5 hour day may yield four days off in a week, but IME it also yields spending 3 of those days off in bed.
ION, Fay's kids slay me.
What does SEN stand for? I gather, from context, that it's a behavioral/neurobiological thing, but I can't parse what the abbreviation maps to.
Sorry! Teacherspeak for Special Educational Needs (a term which covers a vast multitude of things, of course). I've got a couple of kids in my class with SEN issues of one sort or another. Well, 3, I suppose, if you count Pun - but despite the fact that he's got a mild speech impediment and doesn't have the usual complement of fingers and toes, he's a very bright kid, and he's got
fine motor skills - very tidy writing & drawing, loves those Bionicles thingies and playing games on his own mobile phone, all that malarky. I didn't actually
he had any lack of digits for a couple of weeks. Pun's Special Educational Needs are actually more a matter of adequately differentiating to stretch and challenge him, as one of my more gifted kids.
("Can you think of any number sentence with the answer '42', kids?"
"Er...40 plus 2?"
"Great! Anyone else?"
"41 1, Miss Fay?"
"Well done! Yes, Pun?"
"168 divided by 4!"
"....ooookay. Sticker!")
Right, have just deleted another long paragraph gushing about my kids, because, really, who cares? They rock. That's all you need to know. They rock mightily, in a variety of ways, and I feel remarkably lucky to have had 3 terrific classes, because, alas, more often than not there are at least one or two kids who tax your patience. But I've got awesome kids. Yay!